Lord Vishwakarma is the presiding deity of all craftsmen and architects. Son of Brahma, he is the divine draftsman of the whole universe, and the official architect of all the gods' palaces. Vishwakarma is also the designer of all the flying chariots of the gods.
The Mahabharata describes him as "The lord of the arts, executor of a thousand handicrafts, the most eminent of artisans, the fashioner of all ornaments ... and a great and immortal god..." He has four hands, wears a crown, loads of gold jewelry, and holds a water-pot, a book, a noose and craftsman's tools in his hands.
Vishwabrahmins are descended from five sons of lord Vishwakarma. They are Manu (blacksmith), Maya (carpenter), Thwastha (metal craftsman), Silpi (stone-carver) Vishvajnya (goldsmith). Vishwakrama Pooja
Vishwakarma Pooja
Hindus widely regard Vishwakarma as the god of architecture and engineering, and September 17 every year is celebrated as Vishwakarma Puja — a resolution time for workers and craftsmen to increase productivity and gain divine inspiration for creating novel products. This ritual usually takes place within the factory premises or shop floor, and the otherwise mundane workshops come alive with fiesta. Vishwakarma Puja is also associated with the buoyant custom of flying kites.
Vishwakarma's Architectural WondersHindu mythology is full of Vishwakarma's many architectural wonders. Through the four 'yugas', he had built several towns and palaces for the gods. In "Satya yuga", he built the Swarg Loke, or heaven, the abode of the gods and demigods where Lord Indra rules. Vishwakarma then built the 'Sone ki Lanka' in "Treta yuga", the city of Dwarka in "Dwapar yuga", and Hastinapur and Indraprastha in the "Kali yuga".
Vishwabrahmins are divided into five gotras or exogamous clans, each corresponding to a Rishi named in the Yajur Veda (4.3.3) 1. Sanaga Rishi, 2. Sanaathana Rishi, 3. Abhuvanasa Rishi, 4. Prathnasa Rishi and 5. Suparnasa Rishi. Each of the five gotras is also identified with a traditional occupation: 1. Manu (blacksmith), 2. Maya (carpenter), 3. Thwastha (metalcraftsman), 4. Silpi (stone-carver) and 5. Vishvajnya(goldsmith). The five gotras are further divided into a total of 25 sub-clans (upa-gotras). Because of their fivefold division, they are also known as Panchals. They are said to follow five Vedas (instead of the standard four), the fifth being the "Pranava Veda",
The Pranava Veda is a text that elucidates the process of energy (Brahmam) turning itself into matter (the material world. In this text, pure energy or consciousness goes through a process that can be observed as a mathematical order. That process can be emulated by humans through applying that mathematical order to dance, music, poetry, architecture and sculpture thus creating arts that vibrate in a way that causes the viewer, listener, inhabitant to vibrate with the Divine qualities that the art form does. This Pranava Veda was cognized by Brahmarishi Mayan about 10,000 years ago.
Srimadvirat Potuluri Veerabrahmendra Swami
Brahmam garu
Srimadvirat Potuluri Veerabrahmendra Swami
Veerabrahmendra Swami is one of the great saint of India. He is a person who has the knowledge of past, present and future. He is often called as the "Nostradamus of India". He told many forecastings of which all were proved correct. He forecasted events for some upto the end of Kaliyuga starting from his reign.
People call him by several names like
1. Srimadvirat Potuluri Veerabrahmendra Swami,
2. Veerabrahmam
3. Brahmam garu
4. Veerambottlayya
5. Veera guruvu
6. Veerabrahmayya.
In Banaganapalli and Kandimallayyapalli, VeeraBrahmendra Swami lived around 400 years ago. He is a person with knowledge of past present and future. He is still alive in his jeeva samadhi situated in Kandimallayyapalli. There is a mattam called as "Brahmam gari mattam" which is situated here in Kandimallayyapalli. He has written a lot of books on palm leaves. All these palm leaf books tell the future of the world till the end of Kali yuga. These book tell us about How people get transformed in coming years, what catastrophical events occur, Political, social,economic changes that will occur in the society, biologocal and physiological changes that will occur in plant and animal kingdoms, geographical changes, wars, explosions etc and many other wonders of the world which have occured and will occur in future. The knowledge in these books is called as "Kaalagnaanam" (Knowledge of Time). This will also be called by people as "Saandhra Sindhu Vedam".
Sri Potuluri Veera Brahmendra Swami is the author of Kalagnana, collections of prophecies on palm leaves. Most of his predictions came true and many are yet to happen. Also known as Indian Nostradamous by west, he said he will come again to this earth as 'Veera Bhoga Vasantharaya' and that would mean the end of life on earth. He prophesized that before his arrival the world would be in a very chaotic condition.Veera Brahmendra Swami left his body with his self imposed 'Jeeva Samadhi'. He went into Samadhi when he was still alive and asked to close the stone.
Kalagnana an important text in Telugu that predicts the arrival of Kalki in the form of Sri Veerabhoga Vasantaraya. A fifteen year old Muslim boy, Sheik Saheb came to the Ashram to become a disciple of Veera Brahmendra Swami. He renamed the boy Siddhayya who turned out to be the most loyal and devoted of his disciples. Siddhayya is none other than Ananda Bhairava and in accepting him as disciple Sri Brahmendra Swami was fulfilling a boon he granted earlier. Brahmendra Swami gave Siddhayya initiation into many spiritual practices including Taraka Yoga.
Sri veerabrahmendra swami samadhi is located in Kandhimallayapalle,Cuddapah district, Andhra pradesh, india.
Sri Veera Brahmendhra Swami's Few Childhood Events
Few events of Sri Veera Brahmendra Swami’s childhood that he was the son of Sri Paripurnachari and Smt Prakruthamba and that he grew up under the care of foster parents. Sri Veera Bhojacharya head of the Papaghni math near Nandikonda and his wife Smt. Veera-Papamba. Lovingly called “Veeram Bhotlayya” he used to impress everyone by his extraordinary intelligence and spiritual bent of mind. When in his thirteenth year his foster father, died he not only bore the blow calmly but proved a pillar of strength to his desolate mother. His philosophic talksmade her understand the illusory nature of attachments and the continuum of consciousness in life and death. Realising that her son is an enlightened soul, Papamba gave him permission to leave home and go on a pilgrimage to holy places. While Veeram Bhotlayya was visiting Harihara Kshetra, he came across a yogi named AnandaBhairava. Anandabhairava confessed to Veeram Bhotlayya that he took to Sanyasa as a mark of repentance on his inadvertent killing of a cow. To liberate him from the sin of killing a cow Veeram Bhotlayya initiated him into Dwadasakharimantra and gave him the boon that in his next birth he will be born in a family of cotton growers and when he comes of age he would become his (Veeram Bhotlayya’s) chief disciple.
The next recorded evidence available about Sri Veera Brahmendra Swami is his stay as a sage in a Matt built for his use in Banaganapalli by an elderly devotee, Acchamma. Legend has it that Acchamma who initially entrusted Veeram Bhotlayya with the task of tending cows was surprised to hear that the young man was spending more of his time inside a cave scribbling something on palm-leaf parchments. She followed him one-day and saw him draw a line round the cattleand command them to stay within the line. The cattle implicitly obeyed his command and Acchamma realised that the boy was not an ordinary shepherd but must be a God man of great powers. She walked into the cave which was bright and aglow as with the light of a thousand suns, and prostrating herself at his feet begged to be excused for having treated him as a menial. Veeram Bhotlyya gave her initiation into ‘Dwadashakshari’ mantra, and begged by her consented to stay for some more time in Banaganapalli. Acchamma was one of the few who were given the privilege of listening to the future predictions written in the form of chants by Sri Veeram Bhotlayya. During his stay at Banagapalli math, Veeram Bhotlayya used to bury the palmleaf parchments in a secret place underground and visitors to this day make it a point to pay homage to the Tamarind tree that grew in that spot. During the twelve years that he stayed in that village Sri Veeram Bhotlayya performed many miracles. He restored eyesight to Acchamma’s son, Brahmanandareddy by suggesting a retribution for Reddy’s sins of a past life. Once the Nawab of that region who was jealous of the fame of Veeram Bhotlyya sent word to him and after a hypocritical show of respect and Courtesy, presented him a platter covered with a muslin cloth.
Knowing that meat was taboo to the Hindu sage he still filled the plate with dishes made of meat. Veeram Bhotlayya accepted the plate and removed the cloth cover. To the utter amazement of the Nawab and his courtiers the platter was heaped with beautiful flowers with no trace of meat anywhere. The Nawab fell at his feet begging forgiveness and donated land for the founding of an Ashram by Veeram Bhotlayya.. Annajayya, a Brahmin disciple used to look after the math and Ashram and it is he who made the predictions of his master known to the public.
In the twelth year of his stay, entrusting the change of the Ashram to Annajayya, Veeram Bhotlayya left for ‘Kandimallaya Palle, a village in Cuddapa Taluq. He used to work as a carpenter and soon became the spiritual leader of the village community. While visiting the temple in a near by hamlet, Pedakomerla, Veeram Bhotlayya chanced to come across a funeral procession. Going near the bier Veeram Bhotlayya sprinkled holy ash (Vibhuthi) on the corpse and to the amazement of everyone the dead man, one Mr. Reddy, got down and bowed to the feet of Veeram Bhotlayya. This created a sensation in the village and most of the villagers began worshippingVeeram Bhotlayya as the very incarnation of God. A few non-believers wanted to play a trick on him. One of them lay down on a bier pretending to be dead and the rest approached Veeram Bhotlayya with the request that their friend’s life be revived. Wishing to teach them a lesson Veeram Bhotlayya said their friend could not be brought back to life. The non believers gleefully asked their friend to sit up but were shocked to see that he was really dead. Moved by their pitiful pleas for forgiveness and help, Veeram Bhotlayya brought the young man back to life and this won for him the respect and admiration of everyone .
Veeram Bhotlayya accorded to a few seekers of that village knowledge of his Kala Jnana chants pertaining to events that would take place in the first five thousand years of Kali Yuga. Sivakotayya was one of those seekers and he reverentially offered his dauaghter Govindamma as bride to Veeram Bhotlayya. Hearing that Govindamma had chosen to remain unmarried all these years as it was her wish to marry a man who is an embodiment of Divinity, Veeram Bhotlayya smilingly gave his consent. After the marriage the couple returned to Kandimallya Palli and from there left on a pilgrimage to holy places. After a shortvisit to Banagnapalli they returned to Kandimallayya palli. Devotees built an Ashram for them and Veeram-Bhotlayya began to be worshipped by devotees as Veeram- Brahmam. The couple were blessed with four sons and a daughter. All the children were devout like their parents and took active part in the spiritual programme conducted in the Ashram. One day a fifteen year old Muslim boy, Sheik Saheb came to the Ashram to become a disciple of Sri Brahmam. Brahmendra Swami's sons refused to allow him in because he was a Muslim. Brahmendra Swami rebuked them for their intolerance and allowed the boy to enter. He renamed the boy Siddhayya who turned out to be the most loyal and devoted of his disciples. Siddhayya is none other than Ananda Bhairava and in accepting him as disciple Sri Brahmendra Swami was fulfilling a boon he granted earlier. Brahmendra Swami gave Siddhayya initiation into many spiritual practices including Taraka Yoga.
Accompanied by his disciples Sri Veera Brahendra Swami made a tour of all the important districts in the Andhra, Telangana and Rayalaseema regions. He halted for some time at Hyderabad and convening a meeting of goldsmiths. He gave discourses on the three importantgoals of life in the outer, middle and inner planes. He surprised everyone in the court of the Nawab by lighting a lamp that had water in it, instead of oil. After predicting the future of the Hyderabadi regime he started home. On the way back, to teach a lesson to some of the disciples who resented what they thought was Brahmendra Swami favouritism to Siddayya, he pointed to the carcass of a dog and ordered his disciples to eat it. The carcass was decomposed, wormridden and emitting an unbearably foul smell. No one wanted to go near it. Siddayya sat by its side and began eating it with relish as if it was a succulent sweet dish. This demonstration of Siddayya's implicit obedience to the words of the Guru shamed the disciples into repentance. One more instance of Sri Veera Brahmendra Swami miraculous powers was revealed to the disciples when a Brahmin couple fell on the feet of Swamiji and begged him to cure the Brahmin of the dreadful disease of leprosy. Brahmendra Swami not only cured him but gave the couple initiation, blessed them and sent them home in a happy frame of mind.
By the privilege of association with Godmen, disciples also acquire spiritual stature. This is proved in the life ofSiddhayya who was fortunate to learn from Brahmendra Swamy the significance of reincarnation and the way to achieve liberation form the cycle of births. The Nawab of Cuddapa was angry that the Muslim born Siddhayya became the disciple of a Hindu saint and sent word to Siddhayya to come and give an explanation for his conduct. Siddhayya’s impassioned speech on Adwaita not only placated the Musilm countries but converted all of them into devotees of Brahmendra Swami. The Nawab felt piqued that Siddhayya did not bow down to him and rebuked him for his insolence. Siddhayya them ordered the attendants of the Nawab to bring into the hall a big black chunk of rock. When it was brought in Siddhayya bowed down to it and immediately it broke into a thousand pieces. Siddhayya told the Nawab that had he bowed to him, the Nawab’s head also would have broken into pieces. Understanding that Siddhayya had now acquired such spiritual status that only Brahmendra Swami was fit to receive obeisance from him the Nawab begged for forgiveness.
Once, over hearning Brahmendra Swam’s expounding of the six energy centres (Chakras) to Siddhayya, the cobbler Kakkayya wanted to see for himself thedeities presiding over each of the chakras. He murdered his sleeping wife and dissected her body. Failing to see any deities he rushed to Brahmendra Swami fell his feet and weeping made a confession of what he did Taking pity on him he accompanied him to his house and ordered Siddhayya to follow him. Once inside the hut Swamiji invoked the deities of the chakras and showed them to Siddhayya and Kakkayya and then with a touch of his hand he made whole the dissected body of Kakkayya’s wife and restored her to life.
Among the hundreds of miracles performed by Brahmendra Swami mention may be made of his gulping down molten iron, of teaching a lesson to the arrogant Brahmins of Nandyal by making Siddhayya eat up all the rice they prepared for serving at a feast, of describing to a Nawab the features of a colt still in the womb of its mother, of proving to a group of hostile scholars that there is no scriptural injunction against non Brahmins’ learning and reciting Vedas.
Once a group of thieves who entered the Ashram at dead of night to loot it, lost their eyesight. Next day taking pity on the blind robbers Swamiji talked to them about the need for honesty and right living and restored vision to them. At another time when, without telling him his wife Govindamma cooked payasam to be offered to Goddess Poleramma made the deity come in person to partake of the offering. On the last day of his earthly existence he gave trustee ship of the Ashram to his son Govindachari and then told his wife that all their sons will meet with an early death, that there would be no progeny to supervise the Ashram and that theirs daughter’s descendants would take charge of the math. That day the deliberately sent Siddhayya on an errand to collect flowers for the worship of God because he knew that Siddhayya cannot bear the sight of his beloved Guru’s dying. When Siddhayya came to know of Brahmendra Swami’s death, he was overcome by grief and tired to commit suicide. Taking pity on him Brahmendra Swamiji coae out of the grave to present him with his sceptre, sandals, ring and cane. He blessed him with clairvoyance and commanded him to go to the village Mudumala get married and spend his life in the Rajayoga path. Siddhayya obeyed everyone of these commands.
At the time of Brahmendra Swami’s advent, India was plunged in religious feuds between Hindus and Muslims. Humanism was crushed in the name of the illusory supremacy of caste. Brahmendra Swami preached the religion of love which cuts across all man made barrlers of creed, sect, and caste. His disciples included Brahmins like Annajayya, Muslims like Siddhayya and ‘untouchables’ like Kakkayya. His progressive outlook is reflected in managing a mature maiden like Govindamma at a time when child marriages were the accepted social convention. Most Nawabs of the time were his ardent devotees and this helped in promoting communal harmony. After he left the physical body, hundreds of Brahmendra Swami’s disciples propagated his teachings and travelled from one place to another chanting the predictions written by him.
Click here to listen Kalagnanam
Click here to listen Kalagnanam
Spiritual Saints
Spiritual Saints
* Brahmarishi Mayan
* Siddhar Bhogar
* Saint Visobha Khecher (Guru of great Marathi saint Namadev)
* Saint Jalogi & Malogi Maharaj (Two brother saint from Maharashtra)
* Saint Changdev (Great saint from Maharashtra who believed to live for 1400 years)
* Saint Narahari Sonar (Famous Saint from Maharashtra, India).
* Saint Sri Potuluri Veera Brahmendra Swami (AP, India. He is considered as Indian Nostradamous)
* Saint Sanari Viswaswara Swamy (AP, India. It is believed that from the past 100 years he is still in tapasya in Nallamala hills, India)
* Saint Achalananda Yogi
* Saint Bendapudi Swamula Varu( From Andhra Pradesh)
* Saint eeswaramma varu( She is grand daughter of Veera Brahmam garu)
* Saint Tadakanapalle Ramayogi( He is From Andhra pradesh)
* Saint Bodabonda Timmagurudu Govinda swamy ( He is from Andhra pradesh)
* Saint Shivarama Brahmendrula varu (Great saint from AP)
* Saint Ramamadugu Brahmendra swamula varu
* Saint Mahayogi Yaganteeswara swamy
* Saint Cherukuri.Shivarama Brahmendra swamula varu
* Saint Veeranarayanamma
* Saint Kommuri Balabrahma ananda dasu
* saint Rajupalem Sree Sree Balayogini amma varu
Books on History of Vishwabrahmins
* Roberts, A.E. (1909). Visvakarma and his descendants. Calcutta: All-India Vishvakarma Brahman Mahasabha.
* Dr.Gnanananda, G. (Ed.) (1981). Sri Visvakarmayaya bhushanam (Kannada) original by K.P. Dixit (1878). KGF: Jnana Bhandara.Kashyapa Shilpa Shastram,Brahmeeya Chitra Karma Shastram.
* Sharma, A.S. (1989). Visvakarma Smaj ka sankshipt itihas (short history of Vishvakarma Society). New Delhi: Visvakarma Institute of Research and Education.
* Chinmayacharya, K. (2002), Devudu Manavudu, East Godavari.: Ramesh Kumar, K., http://www.archive.org/download/devudumanavudu014706mbp/devudumanavudu014706mbp.pdf
* Vaddepati Niranjana Shastry. Vishwakarma Brahmana Vamshagamamu. Lang.: Telugu.
* Swarna Subramanya Kavi. Vishwabrahmanulaku Prathama Satkara Arhatha. Lang.: Telugu.
* Phanidapu Prabhakara Sharma. Vishwabrahmana Gothra Gayathri. Lang.: Telugu.
புதன், 9 மார்ச், 2011
1311-04-24 – Gen Malik Kafur returns to Delhi after campaign in South India
1329-08-09 – Quilon the first Indian Diocese was erected by Pope John XXII and Jordanus was appointed the first Bishop
1459-05-12 – Sun City India founded by Rao Jodhpur
1497-07-08 – Vasco da Gama departs for trip to India
1498-05-20 – Portuguese explorer Vasco da Gama arrives at Calcutta India
1500-03-09 – Pedro Cabral departs with 13 ships to India
1502-02-12 – Vasco da Gama sets sail from Lisbon, Portugal on his second voyage to India.
1509-02-02 – The Battle of Diu takes place near Diu, India, between Portugal and Turkey.
1509-02-03 – The Battle of Diu, between Portugal and the Ottoman Empire takes place in Diu, India.
1542-05-06 – Francis Xavier reaches Old Goa, the capital of Portuguese India at the time.
1556-03-28 – Origin of Fasli Era (India)
1565-01-25 – Battle at Talikota India: Moslems destroy Vijayanagar’s army
1575-03-03 – Indian Mughal Emperor Akbar defeats Bengali army at the Battle of Tukaroi.
1597-08-20 – 1st Dutch East India Company ships returned from Far East
1600-12-31 – British East India Company chartered
1601-02-13 – John Lancaster leads 1st East India Company voyage from London
1602-03-20 – United Dutch East Indian Company (VOC) forms
1608-08-24 – 1st English convoy lands at Surat India
1609-03-25 – Henry Hudson embarks on an exploration for Dutch East India Co
1612-08-29 – Battle at Surat India: English fleet beats Portuguese
1614-04-05 – American Indian princess Pocahontas, daughter of chief Powhatan marries English colonist John Rolfe
1621-06-03 – Dutch West India Company receives charter for “New Netherlands” (NY)
1622-03-22 – 1st American Indian (Powhattan) massacre of whites Jamestown Virginia, 347 slain
1633-10-22 – Ming dynasty fight with Dutch East India Company that Battle of southern Fujian sea (1633), Ming dynasty won great victory.
1639-08-22 – Madras (now Chennai), India, is founded by the British East India Company on a sliver of land bought from local Nayak rulers.
1641-01-14 – United East Indian Company conquerors city of Malakka, 7,000 killed
1641-08-26 – West India Company conquerors Sao Paulo de Loanda, Angola
1643-12-25 – Christmas Island founded and named by Captain William Mynors of the East India Ship Company vessel, the Royal Mary.
1658-12-09 – Dutch troops occupy harbor city Quilon (Coilan) India
1668-03-26 – England takes control of Bombay India
1668-03-27 – English king Charles II gives Bombay to East India Company
1690-02-08 – French & Indian troops set Schenectady settlement NY on fire
1690-08-24 – Job Charnock founds Calcutta India
1692-02-29 – Sarah Good & Tituba, an Indian servant, accused of witchcraft, Salem
1699-04-14 – Khalsa: Birth of Khalsa, the brotherhood of the Sikh religion, in Northern India in accordance with the Nanakshahi calendar.
1733-05-29 – The right of Canadians to keep Indian slaves is upheld at Quebec City.
1737-10-07 – 40 foot waves sink 20,000 small craft & kill 300,000 (Bengal, India)
1737-10-11 – Earthquake kills 300,000 and destroys half of Calcutta India
1739-02-24 – Battle of Karnal: The army of Iranian ruler Nadir Shah defeats the forces of the Mughal emperor of India, Muhammad Shah.
1739-03-20 – Nadir Shah occupies Delhi in India and sacks the city, stealing the jewels of the Peacock Throne.
1751-08-31 – English troops under sir Robert Clive occupy Arcot India
1752-06-09 – French army surrenders to the English in Trichinopoly India
1755-04-02 – Commodore William James captures the pirate fortress of Suvarnadurg on west coast of India.
1755-07-09 – Brit Gen E Braddock mortally wounded during French & Indian War
1756-05-17 – Britain declares war on France (7 Years’ or French & Indian War)
1756-06-20 – 146 Brit soldiers imprisoned in India-Black Hole of Calcutta-most die
1756-06-20 – India rebels defeat Calcutta on British army
1756-09-08 – French and Indian War: Kittanning Expedition.
1756-12-06 – British troops under Robert Clive occupy Fulta India
1757-01-02 – British troops occupy Calcutta India
1757-11-05 – Battle at Rossbach (7 year war/French & Indian War)
1758-05-21 – Mary Campbell is abducted from her home in Pennsylvania by Lenape during the French and Indian War.
1759-04-08 – British troops chase French out of Masulipatam India
1760-01-22 – Battle at Wandewash India: British troops beat French
1761-01-07 – Battle at Panipat India: Afghan army beats Mahratten
1761-01-16 – The British capture Pondicherry, India from the French.
1764-11-09 – Mary Campbell, a captive of the Lenape during the French and Indian War, is turned over to forces commanded by Colonel Henry Bouquet.
1767-09-28 – Gentlemen 17 forbid private slave transport India to Cape of Good Hope
1772-02-12 – Yves de Kerguelen of France discovers Kerguelen Archipelago, India
1773-10-14 – American Revolutionary War: The United Kingdom’s East India Company tea ships’ cargo are burned at Annapolis, Maryland.
1783-04-09 – Tippu Sahib drives out English from Bednore India
1786-02-24 – Charles Cornwallis appointed governor-general of India
1795-03-11 – Battle at Kurdla India: Mahratten beat Mogols
1796-04-13 – 1st elephant arrives in US from India
1798-09-01 – England signs treaty with nizam of Hyderabad, India
1800-07-10 – The British Indian Government establishes the Fort William College to promote Urdu, Hindi and other vernaculars of sub continent.
1803-02-27 – Great fire in Bombay, India
1803-09-23 – Battle of Assaye-British-Indian forces beat Maratha Army
1806-07-10 – The Vellore Mutiny is the first instance of a mutiny by Indian sepoys against the British East India Company.
1818-06-03 – Maratha Wars between British & Maratha Confederacy in India ends
1829-12-04 – Britain abolished “suttee” in India (widow burning herself to death on her husband’s funeral pyre
1835-02-24 – Siwinowe Kesibwi (Shawnee Sun) is 1st Indian lang monthly mag
1838-11-03 – The Times of India, the world’s largest circulated English language daily broadsheet newspaper is founded as The Bombay Times and Journal of Commerce.
1839-01-10 – Tea from India 1st arrives in UK
1839-01-19 – Aden conquered by British East India Company
1839-11-25 – A cyclone slams India with high winds and a 40 foot storm surge, destroying the port city of Coringa (never to be entirely rebuilt again). The storm wave sweeps inland, taking with it 20,000 ships and thousands of people. An estimated 300,000 deaths result from the disaster.
1842-01-06 – 4,500 British & Indian troops leave Kabul, massacred before India
1846-01-28 – Battle of Allwal, Brits beat Sikhs in Punjab (India)
1846-02-10 – British defeat Sikhs in battle of Sobraon, India
1846-02-16 – Battle of Sobraon ends 1st Sikh War in India
1849-03-29 – Britain formally annexs Punjab after defeat of Sikhs in India
1851-12-22 – The first freight train is operated in Roorkee, India.
1853-04-16 – The first passenger rail opens in India, from Bori Bunder, Bombay to Thane.
1857-05-10 – Indian Mutiny begins with revolt of Sepoys of Meerut
1858-07-28 – William Herschel of the Indian Civil Service in India
1858-08-02 – Govt of India transferred from East India Company to Crown
1859-02-10 – Gen Horsford defeats Begum of Oude & Nana Sahib in Indian mutiny
1865-11-11 – Treaty of Sinchula is signed in which Bhutan ceded the areas east of the Teesta River to the British East India Company.
1866-06-11 – The Allahabad High Court (then Agra High Court) is established in India.
1868-04-13 – Abyssinian War ends as British and Indian troops capture Magdala.
1870-09-08 – Neth & Engl sign “Koelietraktaat” Br-Indian contract work in Suriname
1876-10-31 – A monster cyclone ravages India, resulting in over 200,000 human deaths.
1877-01-01 – England’s Queen Victoria proclaimed empress of India
1879-05-14 – The first group of 463 Indian indentured labourers arrive in Fiji aboard the Leonidas.
1882-06-06 – Cyclone in Arabian Sea (Bombay India) drowns 100,000
1884-09-26 – Suriname army shoots on British-Indian contract workers, 7 killed
1888-04-20 – 246 1888-04-20 – 246 reported killed by hail in Moradabad, India
1888-12-18 – Richard Wetherill and his brother in-law discover the ancient Indian ruins of Mesa Verde.
1889-03-23 – The Ahmadiyya Muslim Community was established by Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad in Qadian India.
1891-09-18 – Harriet Maxwell Converse is 1st white woman to become an Indian chief
1892-07-06 – Dadabhai Naoroji elected as first Indian Member of Parliament in Britain.
1897-06-12 – Possibly most severe quake in history strikes Assam India, shock waves felt over an area size of Europe (negligible death toll)
1905-04-04 – Earthquake in Kangra India, kills 20,000
1905-10-16 – The Partition of Bengal (India) occurred.
1906-12-30 – The All India Muslim League is founded in Dacca, East Bengal, British India Empire, which later laid down the foundations of Pakistan.
1907-05-01 – Indian Mine Laws passes (concessions from Neth-Indies)
1911-02-18 – The first official flight with air mail takes place in Allahabad, British India, when Henri Pequet, a 23-year-old pilot, delivers 6,500 letters to Naini, about 10 km away.
1911-03-25 – L D Swamikannu publishes “Manual of Indian Chronology” in Bombay
1911-12-12 – Delhi replaces Calcutta as the capital of India.
1913-11-06 – Mohandas K Gandhi arrested for leading Indian miners march in S Afr
1914-06-30 – Mahatma Gandhi’s 1st arrest, campaigning for Indian rights in S Africa
1916-05-13 – 1st observance of Indian (Native American) Day
1916-05-24 – Last British-Indian contract workers arrive in Suriname
1917-03-11 – World War I: Baghdad falls to the Anglo-Indian forces commanded by General Stanley Maude.
1918-05-18 – Neth Indian Volksraad installed in Batavia
1919-04-13 – Amritsar Massacre-British Army fires on nationalist rioters in India
1919-04-13 – British forces kill 100s of Indian Nationalists (Amritsar Massacre)
1919-08-13 – British troops fire on Amritsar India demonstrators; killing 350
1919-09-10 – Indian’s Ray Caldwell no-hits Yankees 3-0
1920-03-23 – Perserikatan Communist of India (PKI) political party forms
1920-10-10 – Indian Bill Wambsganns makes 1st unassisted World Series triple play
1920-10-10 – Indian’s Elmer Smith hits 1st World Series grand slam
1922-03-18 – Brit magistrates in India sentence Gandhi to 6 years for disobedience
1925-12-26 – The Communist Party of India is founded.
1926-08-28 – Indian Emil Levsen pitches complete doubleheader victory (Red Sox)
1926-12-28 – Imperial Airways begins England-India mail & passenger service
1928-08-30 – Jawaharlal Nehru requests independence of India
1929-01-06 – Mother Teresa arrives in Calcutta to begin a her work amongst India’s poorest and diseased people.
1929-01-26 – Indian National Congress proclaims goal for India’s independence
1929-04-08 – Indian Independence Movement: At the Delhi Central Assembly, Bhagat Singh and Batukeshwar Dutt throw handouts and bombs to court arrest.
1929-04-24 – 1st non-stop England to India flight takes-off
1929-04-26 – 1st non-stop England to India flight lands
1930-03-08 – Mahatma Gandhi starts civil disobedience in India
1931-02-10 – New Delhi becomes capital of India
1931-03-23 – Bhagat Singh, Rajguru and Sukhdev embrace the gallows during the Indian struggle for independence. Their request to be shot by a firing squad is refused.
1932-10-08 – The Indian Air Force is established.
1932-10-15 – Tata Airlines (later to become Air India) makes its first flight.
1933-01-28 – The name Pakistan is coined by Choudhary Rehmat Ali Khan and is accepted by the Indian Muslims who then thereby adopted it further for the Pakistan Movement seeking independence.
1933-05-08 – Mohandas Gandhi begins a 21-day fast in protest against British oppression in India.
1934-01-15 – 8.4 earthquake in India/Nepal, 10,700 die
1934-04-07 – In India, Mahatma Gandhi suspended his campaign of civil disobedience
1934-08-02 – William Franks twirls an indian club overhead 17,280 times in 1 hour
1936-02-08 – Pandit Jawaharlal follows Gandhi as chairman of India Congress Party
1936-04-01 – Orissa constituted a province of British India
1938-10-02 – Indian Bob Feller strikes out record 18 Tigers (Chester Laabs 5 times)
1938-11-16 – K B Regiment refuses round-table conference in East-India
1939-03-03 – In Mumbai, Mohandas Gandhi begins to fast in protest of the autocratic rule in India.
1939-03-10 – 17 villages damaged by hailstones in Hyderabad India
1939-04-13 – In India, the Hindustani Lal Sena (Indian Red Army) is formed and vows to engage in armed struggle against the British.
1939-05-03 – The All India Forward Bloc is formed by Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose.
1940-03-23 – All-India-Moslem League calls for a Moslem homeland
1940-03-23 – The Lahore Resolution (Qarardad-e-Pakistan or the then Qarardad-e-Lahore) is put forward at the Annual General Convention of the All India Muslim League.
1940-07-02 – Indian independence leader Subhas Chandra Bose is arrested and detained in Calcutta.
1941-05-25 – 5,000 drown in a storm at Ganges Delta region in India
1941-11-24 – Indian infantry attacks German tanks at Sidi Omar
1942-08-09 – Mahatma Gandhi & 50 others arrested in Bombay after passing of a “quit India” campaign by the All-India Congress
1942-10-16 – Cyclone in Bay of Bengal kills some 40,000 south of Calcutta India
1943-12-30 – Subhash Chandra Bose raises the flag of Indian independence at Port Blair.
1944-04-01 – Japanese troops conquer Jessami, East-India
1944-04-14 – Freighter “Fort Stikene” explodes in Bombay India, killing 1,376
1944-08-19 – Last Japanese troops driven out of India
1945-11-13 – Australian Services draw 1st Victory Test against India
1946-03-15 – British premier Attlee agrees with India’s right to independence
1946-08-08 – India agrees to give Bhutan 32 sq miles
1946-09-02 – Nehru forms govt in India
1946-12-01 – Australia compile 645 v India at the Gabba (Bradman 187)
1947-02-20 – Lord Mountbatten appointed as last viceroy of India
1947-06-03 – British viceroy of India lord Mountbatten visits Pakistan
1947-07-18 – King George VI signs Indian Independence Bill
1947-08-14 – India granted independence within British Commonwealth
1947-08-15 – India declares independence from UK, Islamic part becomes Pakistan
1947-08-17 – The Radcliffe Line, the border between Union of India and Dominion of Pakistan is revealed.
1947-10-26 – Maharajah of Jammu & Kashmir accedes to India
1948-01-01 – Bradman scores 132 in the 1st innings of the 3rd Test v India
1948-01-01 – Orissa province accedes to India
1948-01-01 – After partition, India declines to pay the agreed share of Rs.550 million in cash balances to Pakistan.
1948-01-03 – Bradman completes dual Test tons (132 & 127*) v India MCG
1948-01-23 – Bradman scores 201 in 272 mins v India, 21 fours 1 six
1948-01-23 – Test debut of Neil Harvey, v India at Adelaide
1948-01-24 – Australia all out 674 v India (Bradman 201, Hassett 198*)
1948-04-15 – Indian territory of Himachal Pradesh created
1948-06-21 – Lord Mountbatten resigns as gov-gen of India
1948-09-12 – Invasion of the State of Hyderabad by the Indian Army on the day after the Pakistani leader Jinnah’s death.
1949-01-14 – Black/Indian race rebellion in Durban, South Africa; 142 die
1949-02-19 – Mass arrests of communists in India
1949-03-05 – The Jharkhand Party is founded in India.
1949-05-12 – 1st foreign woman ambassador received in US (S V L Pandit India)
1949-09-23 – Indian owner Bill Veeck holds funeral services to bury 1948 pennant
1949-10-15 – Administration of territory of Manipur taken over by Indian govt
1949-10-15 – Tripura accedes to Indian union
1949-11-26 – India adopts a constitution as a British Commonwealth Republic
1949-12-30 – India recognizes People’s Republic of China
1950-01-01 – The state of Ajaigarh is ceded to the Government of India.
1950-01-26 – India becomes a republic ceaseing to be a British dominion
1950-07-02 – Indian Bob Feller, wins his 200th game, 5-3 over Detroit
1950-08-15 – 8.6 earthquake in India kills 20,000 to 30,000
1950-08-15 – Srikakulam district is formed in Andhra Pradesh, India.
1950-10-26 – Mother Teresa found her Mission of Charity in Calcutta, India
1950-11-06 – King Tribhuvana of Nepal flees to India
1950-12-05 – Sikkim becomes a protectorate of India
1952-01-21 – Nehru’s Congress party wins general election in India
1952-05-13 – Pandit Nehru becomes premier of India
1952-05-13 – The Rajya Sabha, the upper house of the Parliament of India, holds its first sitting.
1952-07-19 – Freddie Trueman takes 8-31, India all out 58 at Old Trafford
1952-07-19 – India all out 82 in 2nd innings after making 52 earlier in the day
1952-10-16 – Pakistan’s 1st Test starts, v India at Delhi
1952-10-18 – Vinoo Mankad takes 13 Pakistan wkts to win 1st India-Pak clash
1952-10-25 – Nazar Mohammad scores Pakistan’s 1st Test century 124* v India
1953-04-01 – Walcott Worrell & Weekes all make centuries in innings v India
1953-10-01 – Indian state of Andhra Pradesh partitioned from Madras
1954-11-01 – India takes over administration of 4 French Indian settlements
1955-04-11 – The Air India Kashmir Princess is bombed and crashes in a failed assassination attempt on Zhou Enlai by the Kuomintang.
1955-04-30 – Imperial Bank of India nationalized
1955-05-02 – India poses discrimination “onaanraakbaren” punishable
1955-06-07 – India premier Nehru visit USSR
1956-09-01 – Indian state of Tripura becomes a territory
1956-09-02 – Collapse of a RR bridge under a train kills 120 (India)
1956-11-01 – Delhi becomes a territory of Indian union
1956-11-01 – Indian state of Madhya Pradesh forms
1956-11-01 – Indian states of Punjab, Patiala & PEPSU merge as Punjab protection
1956-11-01 – Formation of Kerala state in India.
1957-01-26 – India annexes Kashmir
1957-03-22 – Republic of India adopts Saka calendar along with Gregorian
1959-01-01 – Rohan Kanhai completes 256 v India at Calcutta
1959-03-17 – Dalai Lama flees Tibet for India
1959-03-31 – Dalai Lama fled China & was granted political asylum in India
1959-07-27 – Abbas Ali Baig scores 112 for India v England on debut
1959-08-24 – England complete 5-0 series drubbing of India
1959-09-21 – 600 Indian Dutch emigrate to US
1959-10-23 – Chinese troops move into India, 17 die
1959-12-20 – Jasu Patel takes 9-69, India v Australia at Kanpur
1960-02-12 – Chinese army kills 12 Indian soldiers
1960-05-01 – India’s Bombay state split into Gujarat & Maharashtra states
1961-11-05 – India’s premier Nehru arrives in NY
1961-12-17 – India seizes Goa & 2 other Portuguese colonies
1961-12-18 – India annexes Portuguese colonies of Goa, Damao & Diu
1962-02-25 – India Congress Party wins elections
1962-05-30 – 69 killed in bus crash (Ahmedabad India)
1962-09-08 – Chinese troops exceed Mac-Mahon-line (Tibet-India boundary)
1962-10-10 – Indies assault up Chinese positions in North-India attack
1962-10-20 – Chinese army lands in India
1962-11-21 – The Chinese People’s Liberation Army declares a unilateral cease-fire in the Sino-Indian War.
1963-05-28 – Estimated 22,000 die in another cyclone in Bay of Bengal (India)
1963-12-01 – Nagaland becomes a state of Indian union
1964-01-13 – Hindu-Muslim rioting breaks out in the Indian city of Calcutta – now Kolkata – resulting in the deaths of more than 100 people.
1964-02-09 – Hanumant Singh scores 105 India v England on debut at Delhi
1964-06-02 – Lal Bahadur Sjastri elected premier of India
1964-10-29 – Star of India & other jewels are stolen in NY
1964-12-23 – India & Ceylon hit by cyclone, about 4,850 killed
1965-01-08 – Star of India returned to American Museum of Natural History
1965-04-09 – India & Pakistan engage in border fight
1965-05-11 – 1st of 2 cyclones in less than a month kills 35,000 (India)
1965-05-25 – India & Pakistan border fights
1965-05-28 – Fire & explosion at Dhori mine in Dhanbad India kills 400
1965-06-02 – 2nd of 2 cyclones in less than a month kills 35,000 (Ganges R India)
1965-08-06 – Indian troops invade Pakistan
1965-09-01 – India & Pakistan border fights
1965-09-06 – India invades West Pakistan
1965-09-07 – China announces that it will reinforce its troops in the Indian border.
1965-09-22 – India & Pakistan ceases-fire goes into effect
1966-01-10 – India & Pakistan sign peace accord
1966-01-19 – Indira Gandhi elected India’s 3rd prime minister
1966-04-06 – Mihir Sen swims Palk Strait between Sri Lanka & India
1966-06-24 – Bombay-NY Air India flight crashes into Mont Blanc (Switz), 117 die
1966-11-01 – Indian Haryana state created from Punjab; Chandigarh terr created
1966-12-13 – Test debut of Clive Lloyd, v India Bombay, 82 & 78
1967-05-06 – Zakir Hussain elected 1st Moslem president of India
1967-06-09 – Boycott scores 246* v India, Leeds, 573 minutes, 29 fours 1 six
1967-09-04 – 6.5 earthquake of Kolya Dam India, kills 200
1967-09-11 – Indian/Chinese border fights
1967-12-11 – 6.5 earthquake in West India, 170 killed
1968-01-31 – Bobby Simpson takes 5-59 v India in his last Test for ten years
1968-02-16 – Beatles George Harrison & John Lennon & wives fly to India for transcendental meditation study with the Maharishi Mahesh Yogi
1968-12-25 – 42 Dalits are burned alive in Kilavenmani village, Tamil Nadu, India, a retaliation for a campaign for higher wages by Dalit labourers.
1969-12-25 – India all out for 163 at Madras v Aust, Ashley Mallett 5-91
1970-04-02 – Meghalaya becomes autonomous state within India’s Assam state
1971-01-25 – Himachal Pradesh becomes 18th Indian state
1971-03-09 – J M Noreiga takes 9-95 WI v India at Port-of-Spain
1971-08-24 – India beat England by 4 wickets, their win against the Poms
1971-11-21 – Indian troops partly aided by Mukti Bahini (Bengali guerrillas) defeat the Pakistan army in the Battle of Garibpur.
1971-12-03 – Indo-Pakistani War of 1971: India invades West Pakistan and a full scale war begins claiming hundreds of lives.
1971-12-04 – The UN Security Council calls an emergency session to consider the deteriorating situation between India and Pakistan.
1971-12-04 – The Indian Navy attacks the Pakistan Navy and Karachi.
1971-12-16 – India’s army occupies Dacca, West Pakistani troops surrenders
1971-12-17 – Cease fire between India & Pakistan in Kashmir
1972-01-21 – Manipur, Meghalaya & Tripura become separate states of Indian union
1972-01-21 – Mizoram, formerly part of Assam, creates an Indian union territory
1972-01-21 – Tripura becomes a full-fledged state in India.
1972-03-19 – India & Bangladesh sign friendship treaty
1972-07-02 – India & Pakistan sign peace accord
1972-07-10 – Herd of stampeding elephants kills 24, Chandka Forest India
1972-12-17 – New line of control agreed to in Kashmir between India & Pakistan
1972-12-23 – Chandrasekhar takes 8-79 India v England at Delhi
1973-02-09 – Biju Patnaik of the Pragati Legislature Party elected leader of opposition in the state assembly in Orissa, India.
1973-02-27 – American Indian Movement occupy Wounded Knee in South Dakota
1973-02-27 – Members of American Indian Movement begin occupation of Wounded Knee
1973-07-07 – 78 drown as flash flood sweeps a bus into a river (India)
1973-08-28 – India & Pakistan sign POW accord
1973-11-01 – The Indian state of Mysore was renamed as Karnataka to represent all the regions within Karunadu .
1974-05-18 – India becomes 6th nation to explode an atomic bomb
1974-07-13 – India’s 1st one-day international (v England, Headingley)
1974-11-07 – 63rd Davis Cup: South Africa beats India in (w/o)
1975-01-29 – W I win Fifth Test against India to take exciting series 3-2
1975-04-19 – India launches 1st satellite with help of USSR
1975-05-16 – India annexes Principality of Sikkim
1975-05-19 – Farm truck packed with wedding party struck by a train, killing 66 in truck, 40 miles south of Poona, India
1975-06-26 – Indian PM Indira Gandhi declares a state of emergency
1975-06-26 – Two FBI agents and a member of the American Indian Movement are killed in a shootout on the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation in South Dakota; Leonard Peltier is later convicted of the murders in a controversial trial.
1975-07-20 – India expels three reporters from The Times, The Daily Telegraph, and Newsweek because they refused to sign a pledge to abide by government censorship.
1975-12-27 – Explosion at Chasnala Colliery collapses drowning 350 (Dhanbad India)
1976-02-17 – Richard Hadlee takes 7-23 v India, his 1st match-winning spell
1976-04-12 – India set 403 to win by WI They get them, 6 wkts 7 overs spare
1976-04-25 – India all out for 97 v West Indies
1977-01-19 – World’s largest crowd-12.7 million-for Indian religious festival
1977-03-20 – Premier Indira Gandhi loses election in India
1977-03-22 – Indira Gandhi resigns as PM of India
1977-03-28 – Morarji Desai forms govt in India
1977-12-17 – Bobby Simpson scores 176 Australia v India at the WACA, aged 41
1978-01-01 – Air India B747 explodes near Bombay killing 213
1978-01-03 – Chandrasekar takes 6-52 & 6-52 at MCG in Indian innings win
1978-02-03 – Australia beat India 3-2 on 6th day of final test
1978-02-03 – India needing 493 to beat Australia at Adelaide, all out 445
1978-10-16 – Test debut of Kapil Dev, India v Pakistan at Faisalabad
1978-12-19 – Indira Gandhi ambushed in India
1978-12-26 – India’s former PM, Indira Gandhi, released from jail
1979-01-02 – Gavaskar gets twin tons for India for the third time (v WI)
1979-02-07 – Faoud Bacchus scores 250 for WI v India at Kanpur
1979-06-01 – Vizianagaram district is formed in Andhra Pradesh, India.
1979-06-07 – Bhaskara 1, Indian Earth resources/meteorology satellite, launched
1979-07-15 – Morarji Desai resigns as premier of India
1979-07-17 – David Gower 200* in England score of 5-633 v India at Edgbaston
1979-08-20 – India premier Charan Singh resigns
1979-09-04 – India need 438 to win v England, game ends at 8-429
1979-09-20 – The Punjab wing of the Unity Centre of Communist Revolutionaries of India (Marxist-Leninist) formally splits and constitutes a parallel UCCRI(ML).
1979-10-17 – Mother Teresa of India, awarded Nobel Peace Prize
1980-01-06 – Indira Gandhi’s Congress Party wins elections in India
1980-07-18 – Rohini 1, 1st Indian satellite, launches into orbit
1981-01-03 – Greg Chappell scores 204 v India at the SCG
1981-01-08 – India all out 63 in one-day international v Australia
1981-01-24 – Kim Hughes scores 213 v India at Adelaide
1981-02-11 – Australia all out 83 v India at MCG chasing 143 to win
1981-06-06 – A passenger train travelling between Mansi and Saharsa, India, jumps the tracks at a bridge crossing the Bagmati river. The government places the official death toll at 268 plus another 300 missing; however, it is generally believed that the actual figure is closer to 1,000 killed.
1981-06-19 – India’s APPLE satellite, 1st to be stabilized on 3 axes, launched
1981-07-16 – India performs nuclear Test
1981-10-14 – Citing official misconduct in the investigation and trial, Amnesty International charges the U.S. government with holding Richard Marshall of the American Indian Movement as a political prisoner.
1982-07-09 – Botham scores 208 in 225 balls, England v India at The Oval
1982-07-27 – Indian PM Indira Gandhi 1st visit to US in almost 11 years
1982-12-27 – Imran Khan 8-60 to bring innings victory v India at Karachi
1983-01-15 – Javed Miandad & Mudassar Nazar make 451 stand v India
1983-02-22 – Hindus kill 3000 Moslems in Assam, India
1983-04-17 – India entered space age launching SLV-3 rocket
1983-11-16 – Kapil Dev takes 9-83 v WI at Ahmedabad, but India still lose
1983-11-27 – Desmond Haynes out handled the ball v India
1984-02-01 – Ravindara Mhatrem, Indian diplomat, kidnapped in England (killed 0203)
1984-04-03 – Soyuz T-11 carries 3 cosmonauts (1 Indian-Rakesh Sharma) to Salyut 7
1984-04-15 – Extremist Sikhs plunder 40 stations in Punjab India
1984-06-06 – 1,200 die in Sikh “Golden Temple” uprising India
1984-08-03 – Bomb attack on Madras India airport, 32 killed
1984-09-28 – 1st floodlit ODI outside of Australia (India v Aust, New Delhi)
1984-11-03 – 3,000 die in 3 day anti-Sikh riot in India
1984-11-03 – Body of assassinated Indian PM Indira Gandhi cremated
1984-12-03 – 2,000 die from Union Carbide poison gas emission in Bhopal, India
1984-12-28 – Rajiv Gandhi’s Congress party wins election in India
1984-12-29 – Indian PM Rajiv Gandhi claims victory in parlimetary elections
1984-12-31 – Rajiv Gandhi takes office as India’s 6th PM succeeds his mom, Indira
1985-01-15 – Mike Gatting & Graeme Fowler both scores 200′s v India
1985-04-08 – India files suit against Union Carbide over Bhopal disaster
1985-05-11 – Booby trap bomb kills 86 people in India
1985-06-23 – Bomb destroys Air India Boeing 747 in air near Ireland, 329 die
1985-08-17 – Rajiv Gandhi announces Punjab state elections in India
1985-09-25 – Akali Dal wins Punjab State election in India
1985-12-13 – David Boon’s 1st Test century, 123 v India at Adelaide
1985-12-13 – Test debut of Merv Hughes, Geoff Marsh & Bruce Reid (v India)
1986-01-04 – David Boon’s second Test century, 131 v India at Adelaide
1986-02-02 – Dalai Lama meets Pope John Paul II in India
1986-02-11 – Australia beat India 2-0 to win the World Series Cup
1986-03-28 – Extremist Sikhs kill 13 hindus in Ludhiana India
1986-07-25 – Sikhs extremist kill 16 hindus in Muhktsar India
1986-09-19 – Dean Jones scores 210 v India at Madras
1986-10-02 – Failed assassination attempt on India premier Rajiv Gandhi
1986-10-02 – Sikhs attempt to assassinate Indian Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi
1986-10-19 – Allan Border scores the 1,000,000th run in Tests (v India, Bombay)
1987-07-06 – 1st of 3 massacres by Sikh extremists takes place in India
1987-11-25 – India all out for 75 v West Indies at Delhi, Patterson 5-24
1987-12-11 – Test debut of Carl Hooper, WI v India at Bombay
1987-12-20 – 76th Davis Cup: Sweden beats India in Gothenburg (5-0)
1988-01-11 – Test debut of Phil Simmons, WI v India, Madras
1988-07-21 – ESA’s Ariane-3 launches 2 communications satellites (1 Indian)
1988-08-20 – 6.5 earthquake strikes India/Nepal, 1,000s killed
1988-11-30 – Cyclone lashes Bangladesh, Eastern India; 317 killed
1989-10-20 – Pakistan win Sharjah Trophy over India & WI on round-robin
1989-11-29 – India president Rajiv Gandhi, resigns
1989-12-02 – Vishwanath Pratap Singh sworn in as president of India
1990-02-23 – Ian Smith 173* NZ v India, 136 balls, world record for no 9 bat
1990-03-24 – Indian troops leave Sri Lanka
1990-03-27 – Bus accidentally touches high voltage wire in Karagpur India; 21 die
1990-04-17 – Gas explodes on passenger train in Kumrahar India, 80 die
1990-07-27 – Graham Gooch scores 333 v India at Lord’s
1990-07-30 – Graham Gooch scores 123 v India to follow up 1st innings 333
1990-12-10 – Hindu-Muslim rebellion in Hyderabad-Aligargh India, 140 die
1991-10-16 – Jharkhand Chhatra Yuva Morcha is founded at a conference in Ranchi, India.
1991-10-20 – 6.1-7.1 earthquake in Uttar Kashi, India, about 670 die
1991-10-25 – Aaqib Javed takes 7-37 in 10 overs v India in cric 1-dayer at Sharjah
1991-12-26 – Militant Sikhs kill 55 & wound 70 in India
1992-01-02 – Test debut of Shane Warne, v India at Sydney
1992-01-20 – Australia beat India 2-0 to win the World Series Cup
1992-01-28 – Boon completes twelfth Test century, 135 v India at Adelaide
1992-05-20 – India launches its 1st satellite independently
1992-05-22 – India launches its Agni rocket
1992-06-23 – “Tin Bigha Day” protest in India of corridor opening to Bangladesh
1992-06-26 – India leases Tin Bigha corridor to Bangladesh
1992-10-18 – Start of Zimbabwe’s 1st Test match, v India at Harare
1992-10-20 – David Houghton gets Zimbabwe’s 1st Test ton (121 v India, debut)
1992-12-06 – 300,000 hindus destroy mosque of Babri India, 4 die
1993-01-23 – Indian Airlines B737 crashes art Aurangabad, 61 die
1993-01-29 – Test debut of Vinod Kambli, prolific Indian batsman
1993-02-23 – India complete a 3-0 series drubbing of England
1993-09-30 – 6.4 earthquake at Latur, India, 28,000 killed
1994-01-25 – Mine fire at Asansol India, kills 55
1994-03-15 – Experts from AL certify Indian’s Jacobs Field is properly lit
1994-04-13 – United Arab Emirates’ 1st official ODI, losing to India
1994-05-20 – Miss India (Sushmita Sen) selected Miss Universe
1994-05-21 – Sushmita Sen, 18, of India, crowned 43rd Miss Universe
1994-07-24 – Bodo kills 37 Moslems in Bashbari NE India
1994-07-29 – India army kills 27 Moslem militants
1994-10-29 – National Museum of American Indian opens (NYC)
1994-11-19 – Aishwarya Rai, 21, of India, crowned 44th Miss World
1995-02-25 – Bomb attack on train in Assam India (27 soldiers killed)
1995-03-12 – Congress party loses India national election
1996-03-09 – Javed Miandad’s last international in Pak’s WC QF loss to India
1996-03-13 – Sri Lanka beat India in World Cup semi as riots stop play
1996-08-20 – India defeat Pakistan in Under-15 World Challenge Final at Lord’s
1996-09-16 – 1st one-day international in Canada, India v Pakistan at Toronto
1997-03-13 – India’s Missionaries of Charity chooses Sister Nirmala to succeed Mother Teresa as its leader.
1997-07-25 – K.R. Narayanan is sworn-in as India’s 10th president and the first Dalit— formerly called “untouchable”— to hold this office.
1998-03-24 – A tornado sweeps through Dantan in India killing 250 people and injuring 3000 others.
1998-04-06 – Pakistan tests medium-range missiles capable of hitting India.
1998-05-11 – India conducts three underground nuclear tests in Pokhran, including a thermonuclear device.
1998-05-13 – India carries out two nuclear tests at Pokhran, in addition to the three conducted on May 11. The United States and Japan impose economic sanctions on India.
1998-05-28 – Nuclear testing: Pakistan responds to a series of Indian nuclear tests with five of its own, prompting the United States, Japan, and other nations to impose economic sanctions.
1999-01-22 – Australian missionary Graham Staines and his two sons are burned alive by radical Hindus while sleeping in their car in Eastern India.
1999-03-11 – Infosys becomes the first Indian company listed on the NASDAQ stock exchange.
1999-04-08 – Haryana Gana Parishad, a political party in the Indian state of Haryana, merges with the Indian National Congress.
1999-08-11 – Total solar eclipse in India-North -France (2m23s)
2000-02-15 – Indian Point II nuclear power plant in New York State vents a small amount of radioactive steam when a steam generator fails.
2000-11-15 – A chartered Antonov AN-24 crashes after takeoff from Luanda, Angola killing more than 40 people. New Jharkhand state came into existence in India.
2001-01-26 – An earthquake hits Gujarat, India, causing more than 20,000 deaths.
2001-06-18 – Protests occur in Manipur over the extension of the ceasefire between Naga insurgents and the government of India.
2001-09-21 – University of Roorkee, becomes India’s 7th Indian Institute of Technology, rechristened as IIT Roorkee
2001-12-13 – the Indian Parliament Sansad is attacked by terrorists. 15 people are killed, including all the terrorists.
2002-05-03 – A military MiG-21 aircraft crashes into the Bank of Rajasthan in India, killing eight.
2003-06-05 – A severe heat wave across Pakistan and India reaches its peak, as temperatures exceed 50°C (122°F) in the region.
2003-10-17 – Eunuchs in the Indian state of Madhya Pradesh float the political party Jiti Jitayi Politics.
2003-11-18 – The congress of the Communist Party of Indian Union (Marxist-Leninist) decides to merge the party into Kanu Sanyal’s CPI(ML).
2004-03-23 – Andhra Pradesh Federation of Trade Unions holds its first conference in Hyderabad, India.
2004-06-06 – Tamil is established as a Classical language by the President of India, Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam in a joint sitting of the two houses of the Indian Parliament.
2004-09-17 – Tamil is declared the first classical language in India.
2004-09-21 – The Communist Party of India (Marxist-Leninist) People’s War and the Maoist Communist Centre of India merge to form the Communist Party of India (Maoist).
2005-01-25 – A stampede at the Mandher Devi temple in Mandhradevi in India kills at least 258.
2005-07-26 – Mumbai, India receives 99.5cm of rain (39.17 inches) within 24 hours, bringing the city to a halt for over 2 days.
2006-07-06 – The Nathula Pass between India and China, sealed during the Sino-Indian War, re-opens for trade after 44 years.
2006-07-11 – 209 people are killed in a series of bomb attacks in Mumbai, India.
2007-07-25 – Pratibha Patil is sworn in as India’s first woman president
2008-10-22 – India launches its first unmanned lunar mission Chandrayaan-1.
2008-11-26 – Terrorist attacks in Mumbai, India: Ten coordinated attacks by Pakistan-based terrorists kill 164 and injure more than 250 people in Mumbai, India.
2010-02-13 – A bombing at the German Bakery in Pune, India, kills 10 and injures 60 more.
1329-08-09 – Quilon the first Indian Diocese was erected by Pope John XXII and Jordanus was appointed the first Bishop
1459-05-12 – Sun City India founded by Rao Jodhpur
1497-07-08 – Vasco da Gama departs for trip to India
1498-05-20 – Portuguese explorer Vasco da Gama arrives at Calcutta India
1500-03-09 – Pedro Cabral departs with 13 ships to India
1502-02-12 – Vasco da Gama sets sail from Lisbon, Portugal on his second voyage to India.
1509-02-02 – The Battle of Diu takes place near Diu, India, between Portugal and Turkey.
1509-02-03 – The Battle of Diu, between Portugal and the Ottoman Empire takes place in Diu, India.
1542-05-06 – Francis Xavier reaches Old Goa, the capital of Portuguese India at the time.
1556-03-28 – Origin of Fasli Era (India)
1565-01-25 – Battle at Talikota India: Moslems destroy Vijayanagar’s army
1575-03-03 – Indian Mughal Emperor Akbar defeats Bengali army at the Battle of Tukaroi.
1597-08-20 – 1st Dutch East India Company ships returned from Far East
1600-12-31 – British East India Company chartered
1601-02-13 – John Lancaster leads 1st East India Company voyage from London
1602-03-20 – United Dutch East Indian Company (VOC) forms
1608-08-24 – 1st English convoy lands at Surat India
1609-03-25 – Henry Hudson embarks on an exploration for Dutch East India Co
1612-08-29 – Battle at Surat India: English fleet beats Portuguese
1614-04-05 – American Indian princess Pocahontas, daughter of chief Powhatan marries English colonist John Rolfe
1621-06-03 – Dutch West India Company receives charter for “New Netherlands” (NY)
1622-03-22 – 1st American Indian (Powhattan) massacre of whites Jamestown Virginia, 347 slain
1633-10-22 – Ming dynasty fight with Dutch East India Company that Battle of southern Fujian sea (1633), Ming dynasty won great victory.
1639-08-22 – Madras (now Chennai), India, is founded by the British East India Company on a sliver of land bought from local Nayak rulers.
1641-01-14 – United East Indian Company conquerors city of Malakka, 7,000 killed
1641-08-26 – West India Company conquerors Sao Paulo de Loanda, Angola
1643-12-25 – Christmas Island founded and named by Captain William Mynors of the East India Ship Company vessel, the Royal Mary.
1658-12-09 – Dutch troops occupy harbor city Quilon (Coilan) India
1668-03-26 – England takes control of Bombay India
1668-03-27 – English king Charles II gives Bombay to East India Company
1690-02-08 – French & Indian troops set Schenectady settlement NY on fire
1690-08-24 – Job Charnock founds Calcutta India
1692-02-29 – Sarah Good & Tituba, an Indian servant, accused of witchcraft, Salem
1699-04-14 – Khalsa: Birth of Khalsa, the brotherhood of the Sikh religion, in Northern India in accordance with the Nanakshahi calendar.
1733-05-29 – The right of Canadians to keep Indian slaves is upheld at Quebec City.
1737-10-07 – 40 foot waves sink 20,000 small craft & kill 300,000 (Bengal, India)
1737-10-11 – Earthquake kills 300,000 and destroys half of Calcutta India
1739-02-24 – Battle of Karnal: The army of Iranian ruler Nadir Shah defeats the forces of the Mughal emperor of India, Muhammad Shah.
1739-03-20 – Nadir Shah occupies Delhi in India and sacks the city, stealing the jewels of the Peacock Throne.
1751-08-31 – English troops under sir Robert Clive occupy Arcot India
1752-06-09 – French army surrenders to the English in Trichinopoly India
1755-04-02 – Commodore William James captures the pirate fortress of Suvarnadurg on west coast of India.
1755-07-09 – Brit Gen E Braddock mortally wounded during French & Indian War
1756-05-17 – Britain declares war on France (7 Years’ or French & Indian War)
1756-06-20 – 146 Brit soldiers imprisoned in India-Black Hole of Calcutta-most die
1756-06-20 – India rebels defeat Calcutta on British army
1756-09-08 – French and Indian War: Kittanning Expedition.
1756-12-06 – British troops under Robert Clive occupy Fulta India
1757-01-02 – British troops occupy Calcutta India
1757-11-05 – Battle at Rossbach (7 year war/French & Indian War)
1758-05-21 – Mary Campbell is abducted from her home in Pennsylvania by Lenape during the French and Indian War.
1759-04-08 – British troops chase French out of Masulipatam India
1760-01-22 – Battle at Wandewash India: British troops beat French
1761-01-07 – Battle at Panipat India: Afghan army beats Mahratten
1761-01-16 – The British capture Pondicherry, India from the French.
1764-11-09 – Mary Campbell, a captive of the Lenape during the French and Indian War, is turned over to forces commanded by Colonel Henry Bouquet.
1767-09-28 – Gentlemen 17 forbid private slave transport India to Cape of Good Hope
1772-02-12 – Yves de Kerguelen of France discovers Kerguelen Archipelago, India
1773-10-14 – American Revolutionary War: The United Kingdom’s East India Company tea ships’ cargo are burned at Annapolis, Maryland.
1783-04-09 – Tippu Sahib drives out English from Bednore India
1786-02-24 – Charles Cornwallis appointed governor-general of India
1795-03-11 – Battle at Kurdla India: Mahratten beat Mogols
1796-04-13 – 1st elephant arrives in US from India
1798-09-01 – England signs treaty with nizam of Hyderabad, India
1800-07-10 – The British Indian Government establishes the Fort William College to promote Urdu, Hindi and other vernaculars of sub continent.
1803-02-27 – Great fire in Bombay, India
1803-09-23 – Battle of Assaye-British-Indian forces beat Maratha Army
1806-07-10 – The Vellore Mutiny is the first instance of a mutiny by Indian sepoys against the British East India Company.
1818-06-03 – Maratha Wars between British & Maratha Confederacy in India ends
1829-12-04 – Britain abolished “suttee” in India (widow burning herself to death on her husband’s funeral pyre
1835-02-24 – Siwinowe Kesibwi (Shawnee Sun) is 1st Indian lang monthly mag
1838-11-03 – The Times of India, the world’s largest circulated English language daily broadsheet newspaper is founded as The Bombay Times and Journal of Commerce.
1839-01-10 – Tea from India 1st arrives in UK
1839-01-19 – Aden conquered by British East India Company
1839-11-25 – A cyclone slams India with high winds and a 40 foot storm surge, destroying the port city of Coringa (never to be entirely rebuilt again). The storm wave sweeps inland, taking with it 20,000 ships and thousands of people. An estimated 300,000 deaths result from the disaster.
1842-01-06 – 4,500 British & Indian troops leave Kabul, massacred before India
1846-01-28 – Battle of Allwal, Brits beat Sikhs in Punjab (India)
1846-02-10 – British defeat Sikhs in battle of Sobraon, India
1846-02-16 – Battle of Sobraon ends 1st Sikh War in India
1849-03-29 – Britain formally annexs Punjab after defeat of Sikhs in India
1851-12-22 – The first freight train is operated in Roorkee, India.
1853-04-16 – The first passenger rail opens in India, from Bori Bunder, Bombay to Thane.
1857-05-10 – Indian Mutiny begins with revolt of Sepoys of Meerut
1858-07-28 – William Herschel of the Indian Civil Service in India
1858-08-02 – Govt of India transferred from East India Company to Crown
1859-02-10 – Gen Horsford defeats Begum of Oude & Nana Sahib in Indian mutiny
1865-11-11 – Treaty of Sinchula is signed in which Bhutan ceded the areas east of the Teesta River to the British East India Company.
1866-06-11 – The Allahabad High Court (then Agra High Court) is established in India.
1868-04-13 – Abyssinian War ends as British and Indian troops capture Magdala.
1870-09-08 – Neth & Engl sign “Koelietraktaat” Br-Indian contract work in Suriname
1876-10-31 – A monster cyclone ravages India, resulting in over 200,000 human deaths.
1877-01-01 – England’s Queen Victoria proclaimed empress of India
1879-05-14 – The first group of 463 Indian indentured labourers arrive in Fiji aboard the Leonidas.
1882-06-06 – Cyclone in Arabian Sea (Bombay India) drowns 100,000
1884-09-26 – Suriname army shoots on British-Indian contract workers, 7 killed
1888-04-20 – 246 1888-04-20 – 246 reported killed by hail in Moradabad, India
1888-12-18 – Richard Wetherill and his brother in-law discover the ancient Indian ruins of Mesa Verde.
1889-03-23 – The Ahmadiyya Muslim Community was established by Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad in Qadian India.
1891-09-18 – Harriet Maxwell Converse is 1st white woman to become an Indian chief
1892-07-06 – Dadabhai Naoroji elected as first Indian Member of Parliament in Britain.
1897-06-12 – Possibly most severe quake in history strikes Assam India, shock waves felt over an area size of Europe (negligible death toll)
1905-04-04 – Earthquake in Kangra India, kills 20,000
1905-10-16 – The Partition of Bengal (India) occurred.
1906-12-30 – The All India Muslim League is founded in Dacca, East Bengal, British India Empire, which later laid down the foundations of Pakistan.
1907-05-01 – Indian Mine Laws passes (concessions from Neth-Indies)
1911-02-18 – The first official flight with air mail takes place in Allahabad, British India, when Henri Pequet, a 23-year-old pilot, delivers 6,500 letters to Naini, about 10 km away.
1911-03-25 – L D Swamikannu publishes “Manual of Indian Chronology” in Bombay
1911-12-12 – Delhi replaces Calcutta as the capital of India.
1913-11-06 – Mohandas K Gandhi arrested for leading Indian miners march in S Afr
1914-06-30 – Mahatma Gandhi’s 1st arrest, campaigning for Indian rights in S Africa
1916-05-13 – 1st observance of Indian (Native American) Day
1916-05-24 – Last British-Indian contract workers arrive in Suriname
1917-03-11 – World War I: Baghdad falls to the Anglo-Indian forces commanded by General Stanley Maude.
1918-05-18 – Neth Indian Volksraad installed in Batavia
1919-04-13 – Amritsar Massacre-British Army fires on nationalist rioters in India
1919-04-13 – British forces kill 100s of Indian Nationalists (Amritsar Massacre)
1919-08-13 – British troops fire on Amritsar India demonstrators; killing 350
1919-09-10 – Indian’s Ray Caldwell no-hits Yankees 3-0
1920-03-23 – Perserikatan Communist of India (PKI) political party forms
1920-10-10 – Indian Bill Wambsganns makes 1st unassisted World Series triple play
1920-10-10 – Indian’s Elmer Smith hits 1st World Series grand slam
1922-03-18 – Brit magistrates in India sentence Gandhi to 6 years for disobedience
1925-12-26 – The Communist Party of India is founded.
1926-08-28 – Indian Emil Levsen pitches complete doubleheader victory (Red Sox)
1926-12-28 – Imperial Airways begins England-India mail & passenger service
1928-08-30 – Jawaharlal Nehru requests independence of India
1929-01-06 – Mother Teresa arrives in Calcutta to begin a her work amongst India’s poorest and diseased people.
1929-01-26 – Indian National Congress proclaims goal for India’s independence
1929-04-08 – Indian Independence Movement: At the Delhi Central Assembly, Bhagat Singh and Batukeshwar Dutt throw handouts and bombs to court arrest.
1929-04-24 – 1st non-stop England to India flight takes-off
1929-04-26 – 1st non-stop England to India flight lands
1930-03-08 – Mahatma Gandhi starts civil disobedience in India
1931-02-10 – New Delhi becomes capital of India
1931-03-23 – Bhagat Singh, Rajguru and Sukhdev embrace the gallows during the Indian struggle for independence. Their request to be shot by a firing squad is refused.
1932-10-08 – The Indian Air Force is established.
1932-10-15 – Tata Airlines (later to become Air India) makes its first flight.
1933-01-28 – The name Pakistan is coined by Choudhary Rehmat Ali Khan and is accepted by the Indian Muslims who then thereby adopted it further for the Pakistan Movement seeking independence.
1933-05-08 – Mohandas Gandhi begins a 21-day fast in protest against British oppression in India.
1934-01-15 – 8.4 earthquake in India/Nepal, 10,700 die
1934-04-07 – In India, Mahatma Gandhi suspended his campaign of civil disobedience
1934-08-02 – William Franks twirls an indian club overhead 17,280 times in 1 hour
1936-02-08 – Pandit Jawaharlal follows Gandhi as chairman of India Congress Party
1936-04-01 – Orissa constituted a province of British India
1938-10-02 – Indian Bob Feller strikes out record 18 Tigers (Chester Laabs 5 times)
1938-11-16 – K B Regiment refuses round-table conference in East-India
1939-03-03 – In Mumbai, Mohandas Gandhi begins to fast in protest of the autocratic rule in India.
1939-03-10 – 17 villages damaged by hailstones in Hyderabad India
1939-04-13 – In India, the Hindustani Lal Sena (Indian Red Army) is formed and vows to engage in armed struggle against the British.
1939-05-03 – The All India Forward Bloc is formed by Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose.
1940-03-23 – All-India-Moslem League calls for a Moslem homeland
1940-03-23 – The Lahore Resolution (Qarardad-e-Pakistan or the then Qarardad-e-Lahore) is put forward at the Annual General Convention of the All India Muslim League.
1940-07-02 – Indian independence leader Subhas Chandra Bose is arrested and detained in Calcutta.
1941-05-25 – 5,000 drown in a storm at Ganges Delta region in India
1941-11-24 – Indian infantry attacks German tanks at Sidi Omar
1942-08-09 – Mahatma Gandhi & 50 others arrested in Bombay after passing of a “quit India” campaign by the All-India Congress
1942-10-16 – Cyclone in Bay of Bengal kills some 40,000 south of Calcutta India
1943-12-30 – Subhash Chandra Bose raises the flag of Indian independence at Port Blair.
1944-04-01 – Japanese troops conquer Jessami, East-India
1944-04-14 – Freighter “Fort Stikene” explodes in Bombay India, killing 1,376
1944-08-19 – Last Japanese troops driven out of India
1945-11-13 – Australian Services draw 1st Victory Test against India
1946-03-15 – British premier Attlee agrees with India’s right to independence
1946-08-08 – India agrees to give Bhutan 32 sq miles
1946-09-02 – Nehru forms govt in India
1946-12-01 – Australia compile 645 v India at the Gabba (Bradman 187)
1947-02-20 – Lord Mountbatten appointed as last viceroy of India
1947-06-03 – British viceroy of India lord Mountbatten visits Pakistan
1947-07-18 – King George VI signs Indian Independence Bill
1947-08-14 – India granted independence within British Commonwealth
1947-08-15 – India declares independence from UK, Islamic part becomes Pakistan
1947-08-17 – The Radcliffe Line, the border between Union of India and Dominion of Pakistan is revealed.
1947-10-26 – Maharajah of Jammu & Kashmir accedes to India
1948-01-01 – Bradman scores 132 in the 1st innings of the 3rd Test v India
1948-01-01 – Orissa province accedes to India
1948-01-01 – After partition, India declines to pay the agreed share of Rs.550 million in cash balances to Pakistan.
1948-01-03 – Bradman completes dual Test tons (132 & 127*) v India MCG
1948-01-23 – Bradman scores 201 in 272 mins v India, 21 fours 1 six
1948-01-23 – Test debut of Neil Harvey, v India at Adelaide
1948-01-24 – Australia all out 674 v India (Bradman 201, Hassett 198*)
1948-04-15 – Indian territory of Himachal Pradesh created
1948-06-21 – Lord Mountbatten resigns as gov-gen of India
1948-09-12 – Invasion of the State of Hyderabad by the Indian Army on the day after the Pakistani leader Jinnah’s death.
1949-01-14 – Black/Indian race rebellion in Durban, South Africa; 142 die
1949-02-19 – Mass arrests of communists in India
1949-03-05 – The Jharkhand Party is founded in India.
1949-05-12 – 1st foreign woman ambassador received in US (S V L Pandit India)
1949-09-23 – Indian owner Bill Veeck holds funeral services to bury 1948 pennant
1949-10-15 – Administration of territory of Manipur taken over by Indian govt
1949-10-15 – Tripura accedes to Indian union
1949-11-26 – India adopts a constitution as a British Commonwealth Republic
1949-12-30 – India recognizes People’s Republic of China
1950-01-01 – The state of Ajaigarh is ceded to the Government of India.
1950-01-26 – India becomes a republic ceaseing to be a British dominion
1950-07-02 – Indian Bob Feller, wins his 200th game, 5-3 over Detroit
1950-08-15 – 8.6 earthquake in India kills 20,000 to 30,000
1950-08-15 – Srikakulam district is formed in Andhra Pradesh, India.
1950-10-26 – Mother Teresa found her Mission of Charity in Calcutta, India
1950-11-06 – King Tribhuvana of Nepal flees to India
1950-12-05 – Sikkim becomes a protectorate of India
1952-01-21 – Nehru’s Congress party wins general election in India
1952-05-13 – Pandit Nehru becomes premier of India
1952-05-13 – The Rajya Sabha, the upper house of the Parliament of India, holds its first sitting.
1952-07-19 – Freddie Trueman takes 8-31, India all out 58 at Old Trafford
1952-07-19 – India all out 82 in 2nd innings after making 52 earlier in the day
1952-10-16 – Pakistan’s 1st Test starts, v India at Delhi
1952-10-18 – Vinoo Mankad takes 13 Pakistan wkts to win 1st India-Pak clash
1952-10-25 – Nazar Mohammad scores Pakistan’s 1st Test century 124* v India
1953-04-01 – Walcott Worrell & Weekes all make centuries in innings v India
1953-10-01 – Indian state of Andhra Pradesh partitioned from Madras
1954-11-01 – India takes over administration of 4 French Indian settlements
1955-04-11 – The Air India Kashmir Princess is bombed and crashes in a failed assassination attempt on Zhou Enlai by the Kuomintang.
1955-04-30 – Imperial Bank of India nationalized
1955-05-02 – India poses discrimination “onaanraakbaren” punishable
1955-06-07 – India premier Nehru visit USSR
1956-09-01 – Indian state of Tripura becomes a territory
1956-09-02 – Collapse of a RR bridge under a train kills 120 (India)
1956-11-01 – Delhi becomes a territory of Indian union
1956-11-01 – Indian state of Madhya Pradesh forms
1956-11-01 – Indian states of Punjab, Patiala & PEPSU merge as Punjab protection
1956-11-01 – Formation of Kerala state in India.
1957-01-26 – India annexes Kashmir
1957-03-22 – Republic of India adopts Saka calendar along with Gregorian
1959-01-01 – Rohan Kanhai completes 256 v India at Calcutta
1959-03-17 – Dalai Lama flees Tibet for India
1959-03-31 – Dalai Lama fled China & was granted political asylum in India
1959-07-27 – Abbas Ali Baig scores 112 for India v England on debut
1959-08-24 – England complete 5-0 series drubbing of India
1959-09-21 – 600 Indian Dutch emigrate to US
1959-10-23 – Chinese troops move into India, 17 die
1959-12-20 – Jasu Patel takes 9-69, India v Australia at Kanpur
1960-02-12 – Chinese army kills 12 Indian soldiers
1960-05-01 – India’s Bombay state split into Gujarat & Maharashtra states
1961-11-05 – India’s premier Nehru arrives in NY
1961-12-17 – India seizes Goa & 2 other Portuguese colonies
1961-12-18 – India annexes Portuguese colonies of Goa, Damao & Diu
1962-02-25 – India Congress Party wins elections
1962-05-30 – 69 killed in bus crash (Ahmedabad India)
1962-09-08 – Chinese troops exceed Mac-Mahon-line (Tibet-India boundary)
1962-10-10 – Indies assault up Chinese positions in North-India attack
1962-10-20 – Chinese army lands in India
1962-11-21 – The Chinese People’s Liberation Army declares a unilateral cease-fire in the Sino-Indian War.
1963-05-28 – Estimated 22,000 die in another cyclone in Bay of Bengal (India)
1963-12-01 – Nagaland becomes a state of Indian union
1964-01-13 – Hindu-Muslim rioting breaks out in the Indian city of Calcutta – now Kolkata – resulting in the deaths of more than 100 people.
1964-02-09 – Hanumant Singh scores 105 India v England on debut at Delhi
1964-06-02 – Lal Bahadur Sjastri elected premier of India
1964-10-29 – Star of India & other jewels are stolen in NY
1964-12-23 – India & Ceylon hit by cyclone, about 4,850 killed
1965-01-08 – Star of India returned to American Museum of Natural History
1965-04-09 – India & Pakistan engage in border fight
1965-05-11 – 1st of 2 cyclones in less than a month kills 35,000 (India)
1965-05-25 – India & Pakistan border fights
1965-05-28 – Fire & explosion at Dhori mine in Dhanbad India kills 400
1965-06-02 – 2nd of 2 cyclones in less than a month kills 35,000 (Ganges R India)
1965-08-06 – Indian troops invade Pakistan
1965-09-01 – India & Pakistan border fights
1965-09-06 – India invades West Pakistan
1965-09-07 – China announces that it will reinforce its troops in the Indian border.
1965-09-22 – India & Pakistan ceases-fire goes into effect
1966-01-10 – India & Pakistan sign peace accord
1966-01-19 – Indira Gandhi elected India’s 3rd prime minister
1966-04-06 – Mihir Sen swims Palk Strait between Sri Lanka & India
1966-06-24 – Bombay-NY Air India flight crashes into Mont Blanc (Switz), 117 die
1966-11-01 – Indian Haryana state created from Punjab; Chandigarh terr created
1966-12-13 – Test debut of Clive Lloyd, v India Bombay, 82 & 78
1967-05-06 – Zakir Hussain elected 1st Moslem president of India
1967-06-09 – Boycott scores 246* v India, Leeds, 573 minutes, 29 fours 1 six
1967-09-04 – 6.5 earthquake of Kolya Dam India, kills 200
1967-09-11 – Indian/Chinese border fights
1967-12-11 – 6.5 earthquake in West India, 170 killed
1968-01-31 – Bobby Simpson takes 5-59 v India in his last Test for ten years
1968-02-16 – Beatles George Harrison & John Lennon & wives fly to India for transcendental meditation study with the Maharishi Mahesh Yogi
1968-12-25 – 42 Dalits are burned alive in Kilavenmani village, Tamil Nadu, India, a retaliation for a campaign for higher wages by Dalit labourers.
1969-12-25 – India all out for 163 at Madras v Aust, Ashley Mallett 5-91
1970-04-02 – Meghalaya becomes autonomous state within India’s Assam state
1971-01-25 – Himachal Pradesh becomes 18th Indian state
1971-03-09 – J M Noreiga takes 9-95 WI v India at Port-of-Spain
1971-08-24 – India beat England by 4 wickets, their win against the Poms
1971-11-21 – Indian troops partly aided by Mukti Bahini (Bengali guerrillas) defeat the Pakistan army in the Battle of Garibpur.
1971-12-03 – Indo-Pakistani War of 1971: India invades West Pakistan and a full scale war begins claiming hundreds of lives.
1971-12-04 – The UN Security Council calls an emergency session to consider the deteriorating situation between India and Pakistan.
1971-12-04 – The Indian Navy attacks the Pakistan Navy and Karachi.
1971-12-16 – India’s army occupies Dacca, West Pakistani troops surrenders
1971-12-17 – Cease fire between India & Pakistan in Kashmir
1972-01-21 – Manipur, Meghalaya & Tripura become separate states of Indian union
1972-01-21 – Mizoram, formerly part of Assam, creates an Indian union territory
1972-01-21 – Tripura becomes a full-fledged state in India.
1972-03-19 – India & Bangladesh sign friendship treaty
1972-07-02 – India & Pakistan sign peace accord
1972-07-10 – Herd of stampeding elephants kills 24, Chandka Forest India
1972-12-17 – New line of control agreed to in Kashmir between India & Pakistan
1972-12-23 – Chandrasekhar takes 8-79 India v England at Delhi
1973-02-09 – Biju Patnaik of the Pragati Legislature Party elected leader of opposition in the state assembly in Orissa, India.
1973-02-27 – American Indian Movement occupy Wounded Knee in South Dakota
1973-02-27 – Members of American Indian Movement begin occupation of Wounded Knee
1973-07-07 – 78 drown as flash flood sweeps a bus into a river (India)
1973-08-28 – India & Pakistan sign POW accord
1973-11-01 – The Indian state of Mysore was renamed as Karnataka to represent all the regions within Karunadu .
1974-05-18 – India becomes 6th nation to explode an atomic bomb
1974-07-13 – India’s 1st one-day international (v England, Headingley)
1974-11-07 – 63rd Davis Cup: South Africa beats India in (w/o)
1975-01-29 – W I win Fifth Test against India to take exciting series 3-2
1975-04-19 – India launches 1st satellite with help of USSR
1975-05-16 – India annexes Principality of Sikkim
1975-05-19 – Farm truck packed with wedding party struck by a train, killing 66 in truck, 40 miles south of Poona, India
1975-06-26 – Indian PM Indira Gandhi declares a state of emergency
1975-06-26 – Two FBI agents and a member of the American Indian Movement are killed in a shootout on the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation in South Dakota; Leonard Peltier is later convicted of the murders in a controversial trial.
1975-07-20 – India expels three reporters from The Times, The Daily Telegraph, and Newsweek because they refused to sign a pledge to abide by government censorship.
1975-12-27 – Explosion at Chasnala Colliery collapses drowning 350 (Dhanbad India)
1976-02-17 – Richard Hadlee takes 7-23 v India, his 1st match-winning spell
1976-04-12 – India set 403 to win by WI They get them, 6 wkts 7 overs spare
1976-04-25 – India all out for 97 v West Indies
1977-01-19 – World’s largest crowd-12.7 million-for Indian religious festival
1977-03-20 – Premier Indira Gandhi loses election in India
1977-03-22 – Indira Gandhi resigns as PM of India
1977-03-28 – Morarji Desai forms govt in India
1977-12-17 – Bobby Simpson scores 176 Australia v India at the WACA, aged 41
1978-01-01 – Air India B747 explodes near Bombay killing 213
1978-01-03 – Chandrasekar takes 6-52 & 6-52 at MCG in Indian innings win
1978-02-03 – Australia beat India 3-2 on 6th day of final test
1978-02-03 – India needing 493 to beat Australia at Adelaide, all out 445
1978-10-16 – Test debut of Kapil Dev, India v Pakistan at Faisalabad
1978-12-19 – Indira Gandhi ambushed in India
1978-12-26 – India’s former PM, Indira Gandhi, released from jail
1979-01-02 – Gavaskar gets twin tons for India for the third time (v WI)
1979-02-07 – Faoud Bacchus scores 250 for WI v India at Kanpur
1979-06-01 – Vizianagaram district is formed in Andhra Pradesh, India.
1979-06-07 – Bhaskara 1, Indian Earth resources/meteorology satellite, launched
1979-07-15 – Morarji Desai resigns as premier of India
1979-07-17 – David Gower 200* in England score of 5-633 v India at Edgbaston
1979-08-20 – India premier Charan Singh resigns
1979-09-04 – India need 438 to win v England, game ends at 8-429
1979-09-20 – The Punjab wing of the Unity Centre of Communist Revolutionaries of India (Marxist-Leninist) formally splits and constitutes a parallel UCCRI(ML).
1979-10-17 – Mother Teresa of India, awarded Nobel Peace Prize
1980-01-06 – Indira Gandhi’s Congress Party wins elections in India
1980-07-18 – Rohini 1, 1st Indian satellite, launches into orbit
1981-01-03 – Greg Chappell scores 204 v India at the SCG
1981-01-08 – India all out 63 in one-day international v Australia
1981-01-24 – Kim Hughes scores 213 v India at Adelaide
1981-02-11 – Australia all out 83 v India at MCG chasing 143 to win
1981-06-06 – A passenger train travelling between Mansi and Saharsa, India, jumps the tracks at a bridge crossing the Bagmati river. The government places the official death toll at 268 plus another 300 missing; however, it is generally believed that the actual figure is closer to 1,000 killed.
1981-06-19 – India’s APPLE satellite, 1st to be stabilized on 3 axes, launched
1981-07-16 – India performs nuclear Test
1981-10-14 – Citing official misconduct in the investigation and trial, Amnesty International charges the U.S. government with holding Richard Marshall of the American Indian Movement as a political prisoner.
1982-07-09 – Botham scores 208 in 225 balls, England v India at The Oval
1982-07-27 – Indian PM Indira Gandhi 1st visit to US in almost 11 years
1982-12-27 – Imran Khan 8-60 to bring innings victory v India at Karachi
1983-01-15 – Javed Miandad & Mudassar Nazar make 451 stand v India
1983-02-22 – Hindus kill 3000 Moslems in Assam, India
1983-04-17 – India entered space age launching SLV-3 rocket
1983-11-16 – Kapil Dev takes 9-83 v WI at Ahmedabad, but India still lose
1983-11-27 – Desmond Haynes out handled the ball v India
1984-02-01 – Ravindara Mhatrem, Indian diplomat, kidnapped in England (killed 0203)
1984-04-03 – Soyuz T-11 carries 3 cosmonauts (1 Indian-Rakesh Sharma) to Salyut 7
1984-04-15 – Extremist Sikhs plunder 40 stations in Punjab India
1984-06-06 – 1,200 die in Sikh “Golden Temple” uprising India
1984-08-03 – Bomb attack on Madras India airport, 32 killed
1984-09-28 – 1st floodlit ODI outside of Australia (India v Aust, New Delhi)
1984-11-03 – 3,000 die in 3 day anti-Sikh riot in India
1984-11-03 – Body of assassinated Indian PM Indira Gandhi cremated
1984-12-03 – 2,000 die from Union Carbide poison gas emission in Bhopal, India
1984-12-28 – Rajiv Gandhi’s Congress party wins election in India
1984-12-29 – Indian PM Rajiv Gandhi claims victory in parlimetary elections
1984-12-31 – Rajiv Gandhi takes office as India’s 6th PM succeeds his mom, Indira
1985-01-15 – Mike Gatting & Graeme Fowler both scores 200′s v India
1985-04-08 – India files suit against Union Carbide over Bhopal disaster
1985-05-11 – Booby trap bomb kills 86 people in India
1985-06-23 – Bomb destroys Air India Boeing 747 in air near Ireland, 329 die
1985-08-17 – Rajiv Gandhi announces Punjab state elections in India
1985-09-25 – Akali Dal wins Punjab State election in India
1985-12-13 – David Boon’s 1st Test century, 123 v India at Adelaide
1985-12-13 – Test debut of Merv Hughes, Geoff Marsh & Bruce Reid (v India)
1986-01-04 – David Boon’s second Test century, 131 v India at Adelaide
1986-02-02 – Dalai Lama meets Pope John Paul II in India
1986-02-11 – Australia beat India 2-0 to win the World Series Cup
1986-03-28 – Extremist Sikhs kill 13 hindus in Ludhiana India
1986-07-25 – Sikhs extremist kill 16 hindus in Muhktsar India
1986-09-19 – Dean Jones scores 210 v India at Madras
1986-10-02 – Failed assassination attempt on India premier Rajiv Gandhi
1986-10-02 – Sikhs attempt to assassinate Indian Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi
1986-10-19 – Allan Border scores the 1,000,000th run in Tests (v India, Bombay)
1987-07-06 – 1st of 3 massacres by Sikh extremists takes place in India
1987-11-25 – India all out for 75 v West Indies at Delhi, Patterson 5-24
1987-12-11 – Test debut of Carl Hooper, WI v India at Bombay
1987-12-20 – 76th Davis Cup: Sweden beats India in Gothenburg (5-0)
1988-01-11 – Test debut of Phil Simmons, WI v India, Madras
1988-07-21 – ESA’s Ariane-3 launches 2 communications satellites (1 Indian)
1988-08-20 – 6.5 earthquake strikes India/Nepal, 1,000s killed
1988-11-30 – Cyclone lashes Bangladesh, Eastern India; 317 killed
1989-10-20 – Pakistan win Sharjah Trophy over India & WI on round-robin
1989-11-29 – India president Rajiv Gandhi, resigns
1989-12-02 – Vishwanath Pratap Singh sworn in as president of India
1990-02-23 – Ian Smith 173* NZ v India, 136 balls, world record for no 9 bat
1990-03-24 – Indian troops leave Sri Lanka
1990-03-27 – Bus accidentally touches high voltage wire in Karagpur India; 21 die
1990-04-17 – Gas explodes on passenger train in Kumrahar India, 80 die
1990-07-27 – Graham Gooch scores 333 v India at Lord’s
1990-07-30 – Graham Gooch scores 123 v India to follow up 1st innings 333
1990-12-10 – Hindu-Muslim rebellion in Hyderabad-Aligargh India, 140 die
1991-10-16 – Jharkhand Chhatra Yuva Morcha is founded at a conference in Ranchi, India.
1991-10-20 – 6.1-7.1 earthquake in Uttar Kashi, India, about 670 die
1991-10-25 – Aaqib Javed takes 7-37 in 10 overs v India in cric 1-dayer at Sharjah
1991-12-26 – Militant Sikhs kill 55 & wound 70 in India
1992-01-02 – Test debut of Shane Warne, v India at Sydney
1992-01-20 – Australia beat India 2-0 to win the World Series Cup
1992-01-28 – Boon completes twelfth Test century, 135 v India at Adelaide
1992-05-20 – India launches its 1st satellite independently
1992-05-22 – India launches its Agni rocket
1992-06-23 – “Tin Bigha Day” protest in India of corridor opening to Bangladesh
1992-06-26 – India leases Tin Bigha corridor to Bangladesh
1992-10-18 – Start of Zimbabwe’s 1st Test match, v India at Harare
1992-10-20 – David Houghton gets Zimbabwe’s 1st Test ton (121 v India, debut)
1992-12-06 – 300,000 hindus destroy mosque of Babri India, 4 die
1993-01-23 – Indian Airlines B737 crashes art Aurangabad, 61 die
1993-01-29 – Test debut of Vinod Kambli, prolific Indian batsman
1993-02-23 – India complete a 3-0 series drubbing of England
1993-09-30 – 6.4 earthquake at Latur, India, 28,000 killed
1994-01-25 – Mine fire at Asansol India, kills 55
1994-03-15 – Experts from AL certify Indian’s Jacobs Field is properly lit
1994-04-13 – United Arab Emirates’ 1st official ODI, losing to India
1994-05-20 – Miss India (Sushmita Sen) selected Miss Universe
1994-05-21 – Sushmita Sen, 18, of India, crowned 43rd Miss Universe
1994-07-24 – Bodo kills 37 Moslems in Bashbari NE India
1994-07-29 – India army kills 27 Moslem militants
1994-10-29 – National Museum of American Indian opens (NYC)
1994-11-19 – Aishwarya Rai, 21, of India, crowned 44th Miss World
1995-02-25 – Bomb attack on train in Assam India (27 soldiers killed)
1995-03-12 – Congress party loses India national election
1996-03-09 – Javed Miandad’s last international in Pak’s WC QF loss to India
1996-03-13 – Sri Lanka beat India in World Cup semi as riots stop play
1996-08-20 – India defeat Pakistan in Under-15 World Challenge Final at Lord’s
1996-09-16 – 1st one-day international in Canada, India v Pakistan at Toronto
1997-03-13 – India’s Missionaries of Charity chooses Sister Nirmala to succeed Mother Teresa as its leader.
1997-07-25 – K.R. Narayanan is sworn-in as India’s 10th president and the first Dalit— formerly called “untouchable”— to hold this office.
1998-03-24 – A tornado sweeps through Dantan in India killing 250 people and injuring 3000 others.
1998-04-06 – Pakistan tests medium-range missiles capable of hitting India.
1998-05-11 – India conducts three underground nuclear tests in Pokhran, including a thermonuclear device.
1998-05-13 – India carries out two nuclear tests at Pokhran, in addition to the three conducted on May 11. The United States and Japan impose economic sanctions on India.
1998-05-28 – Nuclear testing: Pakistan responds to a series of Indian nuclear tests with five of its own, prompting the United States, Japan, and other nations to impose economic sanctions.
1999-01-22 – Australian missionary Graham Staines and his two sons are burned alive by radical Hindus while sleeping in their car in Eastern India.
1999-03-11 – Infosys becomes the first Indian company listed on the NASDAQ stock exchange.
1999-04-08 – Haryana Gana Parishad, a political party in the Indian state of Haryana, merges with the Indian National Congress.
1999-08-11 – Total solar eclipse in India-North -France (2m23s)
2000-02-15 – Indian Point II nuclear power plant in New York State vents a small amount of radioactive steam when a steam generator fails.
2000-11-15 – A chartered Antonov AN-24 crashes after takeoff from Luanda, Angola killing more than 40 people. New Jharkhand state came into existence in India.
2001-01-26 – An earthquake hits Gujarat, India, causing more than 20,000 deaths.
2001-06-18 – Protests occur in Manipur over the extension of the ceasefire between Naga insurgents and the government of India.
2001-09-21 – University of Roorkee, becomes India’s 7th Indian Institute of Technology, rechristened as IIT Roorkee
2001-12-13 – the Indian Parliament Sansad is attacked by terrorists. 15 people are killed, including all the terrorists.
2002-05-03 – A military MiG-21 aircraft crashes into the Bank of Rajasthan in India, killing eight.
2003-06-05 – A severe heat wave across Pakistan and India reaches its peak, as temperatures exceed 50°C (122°F) in the region.
2003-10-17 – Eunuchs in the Indian state of Madhya Pradesh float the political party Jiti Jitayi Politics.
2003-11-18 – The congress of the Communist Party of Indian Union (Marxist-Leninist) decides to merge the party into Kanu Sanyal’s CPI(ML).
2004-03-23 – Andhra Pradesh Federation of Trade Unions holds its first conference in Hyderabad, India.
2004-06-06 – Tamil is established as a Classical language by the President of India, Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam in a joint sitting of the two houses of the Indian Parliament.
2004-09-17 – Tamil is declared the first classical language in India.
2004-09-21 – The Communist Party of India (Marxist-Leninist) People’s War and the Maoist Communist Centre of India merge to form the Communist Party of India (Maoist).
2005-01-25 – A stampede at the Mandher Devi temple in Mandhradevi in India kills at least 258.
2005-07-26 – Mumbai, India receives 99.5cm of rain (39.17 inches) within 24 hours, bringing the city to a halt for over 2 days.
2006-07-06 – The Nathula Pass between India and China, sealed during the Sino-Indian War, re-opens for trade after 44 years.
2006-07-11 – 209 people are killed in a series of bomb attacks in Mumbai, India.
2007-07-25 – Pratibha Patil is sworn in as India’s first woman president
2008-10-22 – India launches its first unmanned lunar mission Chandrayaan-1.
2008-11-26 – Terrorist attacks in Mumbai, India: Ten coordinated attacks by Pakistan-based terrorists kill 164 and injure more than 250 people in Mumbai, India.
2010-02-13 – A bombing at the German Bakery in Pune, India, kills 10 and injures 60 more.
Indian deep rooted heritage and culture have been finding their place in the pages of history books for centuries. Indian civilization is one of the oldest of all the civilizations of the world and it requires ages go through the entire history in short time. Let's have a glimpse on the major Indian historical eras.
Pre-Historic Era
The historians still differ in their opinions while quoting about pre-historic era of India. The remains of the Harappa civilization which is still a big question mark to the world, carries the flag of ancient Indian civilization. This is the time when the biggest two epics Ramayana and Mahabharata were played in the real soil of India, where myth, legend and history seem to collide with each other. The composition of Upanishads are another gift to the generations to come.
Medieval Era
a new light of enlightenment and philosophy touched people as Lord Buddha arrived into the world and attained his salvation. The invasion of Alexander, rise of Mauryas and Ashoka dynasty are some of the other historical milestones which keep historians craving for more about medieval India. India reached a new height at this time while walking on the path pioneered by the Lord Buddha, Lord Mahavira and Shankaracharya. You will still find the heritage and culture of medieval era is still well preserved in the ancient temples and monuments.
Mughal Era
This is the time of successive dynasty and political disorder and commotion. The beginning of Mughal reign is the time when the country went through a huge social and cultural change. A new kind of architecture that revolutionized Indian traditions are still fascinating the world in the form of majestic Taj Mahal, Red Fort and Jama Masjid. The Rajput architecture in Rajasthan and Maratha forts in Maharashtra are the other attractions of this era.
Modern India
Modern India got a chance to interact with the western culture for the first time. Indian thinkers were not far behind to come up with their paintings, novels and poetry and the world acknowledged them with open hearts. After a long fight for independence, India attained sovereignty holding the hands of Mahatma Gandhi, one of the most prominent world leaders of all time. With the advent of British Rulers, India saw a new light of revolutions which is depicted in the rich colonial architecture fringed in every corner of the country. Now, India is a modern country with a globally open market, high-tech cities, excellent communication and ancient heritage.
Pre-Historic Era
The historians still differ in their opinions while quoting about pre-historic era of India. The remains of the Harappa civilization which is still a big question mark to the world, carries the flag of ancient Indian civilization. This is the time when the biggest two epics Ramayana and Mahabharata were played in the real soil of India, where myth, legend and history seem to collide with each other. The composition of Upanishads are another gift to the generations to come.
Medieval Era
a new light of enlightenment and philosophy touched people as Lord Buddha arrived into the world and attained his salvation. The invasion of Alexander, rise of Mauryas and Ashoka dynasty are some of the other historical milestones which keep historians craving for more about medieval India. India reached a new height at this time while walking on the path pioneered by the Lord Buddha, Lord Mahavira and Shankaracharya. You will still find the heritage and culture of medieval era is still well preserved in the ancient temples and monuments.
Mughal Era
This is the time of successive dynasty and political disorder and commotion. The beginning of Mughal reign is the time when the country went through a huge social and cultural change. A new kind of architecture that revolutionized Indian traditions are still fascinating the world in the form of majestic Taj Mahal, Red Fort and Jama Masjid. The Rajput architecture in Rajasthan and Maratha forts in Maharashtra are the other attractions of this era.
Modern India
Modern India got a chance to interact with the western culture for the first time. Indian thinkers were not far behind to come up with their paintings, novels and poetry and the world acknowledged them with open hearts. After a long fight for independence, India attained sovereignty holding the hands of Mahatma Gandhi, one of the most prominent world leaders of all time. With the advent of British Rulers, India saw a new light of revolutions which is depicted in the rich colonial architecture fringed in every corner of the country. Now, India is a modern country with a globally open market, high-tech cities, excellent communication and ancient heritage.
2500 -1500 BC
- Mohenjo-daro and Harrapa flourished in the Indus Valley.
1500 BC - The first wave of Aryan immigration into India began
326 BC - Alexander the Great invaded India.
322-182 BC - Mauryan dynasty, the first historical dynasty in the history of India.
1498 - Vasco-da-Gama lands at Calicut.
1510 - Portuguese capture Goa
2500 -1500 BC
- Mohenjo-daro and Harrapa flourished in the Indus Valley.
1500 BC - The first wave of Aryan immigration into India began
326 BC - Alexander the Great invaded India.
322-182 BC - Mauryan dynasty, the first historical dynasty in the history of India.
1498 - Vasco-da-Gama lands at Calicut.
1510 - Portuguese capture Goa
1526 - First battle of Panipat. Establishment of the Mughal Dynasty.
1526 - 1857 - Mughal rule in India.
1600 - East India Company constituted
1757 - Battle of Plassey
1857 - First War of Independence
1858 - India comes under direct rule of the British crown after failed Indian mutiny.
1885 - Indian National Congress founded
1905 - First partition of Bengal
1906 - Formation of Muslim League
1919 - The massacre at Jalianwallabagh
Salt Satyagraha, First Round Table Conference
Quit India movement
India gains freedom, and Jawaharlal Nehru is sworn in as the first Prime Minister of independent India.
Hundreds of thousands die in widespread communal bloodshed after partition.
Mahatma Gandhi assassinated by Nathuram Godse.
India becomes a Republic. Dr Rajendra Prasad is the first President of India.
First general elections; Congress government comes to power
The states are reorganized on a linguistic basis
War with China and India loses
Death of Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru
War with Pakistan; ceasefire declared
Tashkent Agreement reached. Shastri dies at Tashkent. Indira Gandhi becomes prime minister.
Third war with Pakistan
Twenty-year treaty of friendship signed with Soviet Union.
Shimla agreement signed between India and Pakistan.
India's first atomic device exploded at Pokhran in Rajasthan.
Indira Gandhi declared state of emergency.
Indira Gandhi's Congress Party loses general elections. Janata Party comes to power
Janata Party splits; Seventh general elections held
Indira Gandhi returns to power heading Congress party splinter group, Congress (Indira).
Operation Blue Star. Indira Gandhi assassinated; son Rajiv Gandhi becomes Prime Minister
India deploys troops for peacekeeping operation in Sri Lanka's ethnic conflict. Goa becomes the 25th state of India.
Rajiv Gandhi's Congress defeated in ninth general elections; minority government led by Janata Dal's V.P Singh comes to power
Indian troops withdrawn from Sri Lanka.
V.P Singh's government falls . Rajiv Gandhi assassinated. Congress government return to power with P.V. Narasimha Rao as Prime Minister
The dome of Babri Masjid in Ayodhya demolished by hindu fanatics; triggering widespread Hindu-Muslim violence.
Congress suffers worst ever electoral defeat as Hindu nationalist BJP emerges as largest single party. In May 16 AB Vajpayee is PM, until May 28; United Front Coalition forms government under Prime Minister H.D. Deve Gowda
Congress withdraws support to coalition government; I.K. Gujaral sworn in Prime Minister.
BJP forms coalition government under Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee.
Vajpayee makes historic bus trip to Pakistan to meet Premier Nawaz Sharif and to sign bilateral Lahore peace declaration.
Intense fighting in Kargil
Congress Party win in general elections. Dr. Manmohan Singh is sworn in as Prime Minister.
- Mohenjo-daro and Harrapa flourished in the Indus Valley.
1500 BC - The first wave of Aryan immigration into India began
326 BC - Alexander the Great invaded India.
322-182 BC - Mauryan dynasty, the first historical dynasty in the history of India.
1498 - Vasco-da-Gama lands at Calicut.
1510 - Portuguese capture Goa
2500 -1500 BC
- Mohenjo-daro and Harrapa flourished in the Indus Valley.
1500 BC - The first wave of Aryan immigration into India began
326 BC - Alexander the Great invaded India.
322-182 BC - Mauryan dynasty, the first historical dynasty in the history of India.
1498 - Vasco-da-Gama lands at Calicut.
1510 - Portuguese capture Goa
1526 - First battle of Panipat. Establishment of the Mughal Dynasty.
1526 - 1857 - Mughal rule in India.
1600 - East India Company constituted
1757 - Battle of Plassey
1857 - First War of Independence
1858 - India comes under direct rule of the British crown after failed Indian mutiny.
1885 - Indian National Congress founded
1905 - First partition of Bengal
1906 - Formation of Muslim League
1919 - The massacre at Jalianwallabagh
Salt Satyagraha, First Round Table Conference
Quit India movement
India gains freedom, and Jawaharlal Nehru is sworn in as the first Prime Minister of independent India.
Hundreds of thousands die in widespread communal bloodshed after partition.
Mahatma Gandhi assassinated by Nathuram Godse.
India becomes a Republic. Dr Rajendra Prasad is the first President of India.
First general elections; Congress government comes to power
The states are reorganized on a linguistic basis
War with China and India loses
Death of Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru
War with Pakistan; ceasefire declared
Tashkent Agreement reached. Shastri dies at Tashkent. Indira Gandhi becomes prime minister.
Third war with Pakistan
Twenty-year treaty of friendship signed with Soviet Union.
Shimla agreement signed between India and Pakistan.
India's first atomic device exploded at Pokhran in Rajasthan.
Indira Gandhi declared state of emergency.
Indira Gandhi's Congress Party loses general elections. Janata Party comes to power
Janata Party splits; Seventh general elections held
Indira Gandhi returns to power heading Congress party splinter group, Congress (Indira).
Operation Blue Star. Indira Gandhi assassinated; son Rajiv Gandhi becomes Prime Minister
India deploys troops for peacekeeping operation in Sri Lanka's ethnic conflict. Goa becomes the 25th state of India.
Rajiv Gandhi's Congress defeated in ninth general elections; minority government led by Janata Dal's V.P Singh comes to power
Indian troops withdrawn from Sri Lanka.
V.P Singh's government falls . Rajiv Gandhi assassinated. Congress government return to power with P.V. Narasimha Rao as Prime Minister
The dome of Babri Masjid in Ayodhya demolished by hindu fanatics; triggering widespread Hindu-Muslim violence.
Congress suffers worst ever electoral defeat as Hindu nationalist BJP emerges as largest single party. In May 16 AB Vajpayee is PM, until May 28; United Front Coalition forms government under Prime Minister H.D. Deve Gowda
Congress withdraws support to coalition government; I.K. Gujaral sworn in Prime Minister.
BJP forms coalition government under Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee.
Vajpayee makes historic bus trip to Pakistan to meet Premier Nawaz Sharif and to sign bilateral Lahore peace declaration.
Intense fighting in Kargil
Congress Party win in general elections. Dr. Manmohan Singh is sworn in as Prime Minister.
Indian History - The History of India information.
Indian History - Important events.
Period Description
ca. 2500-1600 B.C. Indus Valley culture.
ca. 1500-500 B.C. Migrations of Aryan-speaking tribes; the Vedic Age.
ca. 1000 B.C. Settlement of Bengal by Dravidian-speaking peoples.
ca. 563-ca. 483 B.C. Life of Siddartha Gautama--the Buddha; founding of Buddhism.
ca. 326-184 B.C. Mauryan Empire; reign of Ashoka (269-232 B.C.); spread of Buddhism.
ca. 180 B.C.-A.D. 150 Shaka dynasties in Indus Valley.
ca. A.D. 320-550 Gupta Empire; classical age in North India.
606-47 North Indian empire of Harsha.
711 Arab invaders conquer Sindh, establish Islamic presence in India.
750-1150 Pala Dynasty.
1150-1202 Sena Dynasty.
997-1027 Mahmud of Ghazni raids Indian subcontinent from Afghanistan.
1202 Turkish conquerors defeat Sena Dynasty and overrun Bengal.
1206-1398 Delhi Sultanate.
1398 Timur sacks Delhi.
1414-50 Sayyid Dynasty; renewal of Delhi Sultanate.
1451-1526 Lodi Dynasty.
1526 Babur lays foundation of Mughal Empire; wins First Battle of Panipat.
1556-1605 Akbar expands and reforms the empire; Mughals win Second Battle of Panipat.
1605-27 Reign of Jahangir; in 1612 East India Company opens first trading post (factory).
1628-58 Reign of Shah Jahan.
1658-1707 Reign of Aurangzeb, last great Mughal ruler.
1707-1858 Lesser emperors; decline of the Mughal Empire.
1757 Battle of Plassey--British victory over Mughal forces in Bengal; British rule in India begins.
1835 Institution of British education and other reform measures.
1857-58 Revolt of Indian sepoys (soldiers) against East India Company.
1858 East India Company dissolved; rule of India under the British crown--the British Raj--begins with Government of India Act; formal end of Mughal Empire.
1885 Indian National Congress (Congress) formed.
1905 Partition of Bengal into separate provinces of Eastern Bengal and Assam, West Bengal.
1906 All-India Muslim League (Muslim League) founded.
1909 Morley-Minto Reforms; separate electorates for Muslims.
1912 Partition of Bengal annulled; new province of Bihar and Orissa formed; plans to move capital from Calcutta to Delhi announced.
1916 Congress-League Scheme of Reforms (often referred to as Lucknow Pact) signed.
1919 Montagu-Chelmsford Reforms; Government of India Act.
1935 Government of India Act of 1935.
1940 Muslim League adopts Lahore Resolution; "Two Nations" theory articulated by Muslim League leader Mohammad Ali Jinnah and others.
August 16, 1946 "Direct Action Day" of Muslim League.
August 15, 1947 Partition of British India; India achieves independence and incorporates West Bengal and Assam; Jawaharlal Nehru becomes prime minister of India. Pakistan is created and incorporates East Bengal (the East Wing, or East Pakistan) and territory in the northwest (the West Wing, or West Pakistan); Jinnah becomes governor general of Pakistan.
August 15, 1947-May 27, 1964 Jawaharlal Nehru serves as prime minister and leader of Congress-controlled government.
October 22, 1947-January 1, 1949 Undeclared war with Pakistan; ends with United Nations-arranged ceasefire.
January 30, 1948 Mahatma Gandhi assassinated in New Delhi.
October 20-November 21, 1962 Border war with China.
June 9, 1964-January 11, 1966 Lal Bhadur Shastri serves as prime minister of Congress-led government.
August 5-September 23, 1965 Second war with Pakistan.
January 24, 1966-March 24, 1977 Indira Gandhi serves as prime minister for first time, head of government initially led by Congress, later Congress (R).
December 3-16, 1971 Third war with Pakistan; Bangladesh becomes independent following Indian invasion of East Pakistan.
June 25, 1975-January 18, 1977 State of Emergency proclaimed by Indira Gandhi.
March 24, 1977-July 28, 1979 Morarji Desai serves as prime minister as head of a multiparty front, Janata Party, India's first non-Congress government.
July 28, 1979-January 14, 1980 Chaudhury Charan Singh serves as prime minister as head of a Janata-led coalition government.
January 14, 1980-October 31, 1984 Indira Ganhdi serves as prime minister for second time, head of Congress (I) government.
October 31, 1984 Indira Gandhi assassinated in New Delhi.
October 31, 1984-December 2, 1989 Rajiv Gandhi serves as prime minister of Congress (I)-led government.
December 2, 1989-November 7, 1990 Vishwanath Pratap Singh serves as prime minister of National Front-led coalition government.
November 10, 1990-June 20, 1991 Chandra Shekhar serves as prime minister, heading Samajwadi Janata Party government.
May 21, 1991 Rajiv Gandhi assassinated near Madras.
June 20, 1991-May 15, 1996 P.V. Narasimha Rao serves as prime minister of Congress (I)-led government.
December 6, 1992 Babri Masjid in Ayodhya, Uttar Pradesh, destroyed by Hindu activists.
January-March 1993 Communal violence in wake of Babri Masjid destruction wracks Indian cities, especially Bombay, which suffered from a series of bomb blasts in March.
May 1995 Unpopular Terrorist and Disruptive Activities (Prevention) Act of 1985 allowed to lapse
April 27-May 7, 1996 General elections for Lok Sabha oust Congress (I) government of P.V. Narasimha Rao.
May 15-28, 1996 Minority Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) government led by Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee resigns after thirteen days.
June 1, 1996 Haradanahalli (H.D.) Deve Gowda, head of thirteen-party United Front, sworn in as India's eleventh prime minister.
BACK TO HISTORY OF INDIA India Flag National Anthem
Indian History - Important events.
Period Description
ca. 2500-1600 B.C. Indus Valley culture.
ca. 1500-500 B.C. Migrations of Aryan-speaking tribes; the Vedic Age.
ca. 1000 B.C. Settlement of Bengal by Dravidian-speaking peoples.
ca. 563-ca. 483 B.C. Life of Siddartha Gautama--the Buddha; founding of Buddhism.
ca. 326-184 B.C. Mauryan Empire; reign of Ashoka (269-232 B.C.); spread of Buddhism.
ca. 180 B.C.-A.D. 150 Shaka dynasties in Indus Valley.
ca. A.D. 320-550 Gupta Empire; classical age in North India.
606-47 North Indian empire of Harsha.
711 Arab invaders conquer Sindh, establish Islamic presence in India.
750-1150 Pala Dynasty.
1150-1202 Sena Dynasty.
997-1027 Mahmud of Ghazni raids Indian subcontinent from Afghanistan.
1202 Turkish conquerors defeat Sena Dynasty and overrun Bengal.
1206-1398 Delhi Sultanate.
1398 Timur sacks Delhi.
1414-50 Sayyid Dynasty; renewal of Delhi Sultanate.
1451-1526 Lodi Dynasty.
1526 Babur lays foundation of Mughal Empire; wins First Battle of Panipat.
1556-1605 Akbar expands and reforms the empire; Mughals win Second Battle of Panipat.
1605-27 Reign of Jahangir; in 1612 East India Company opens first trading post (factory).
1628-58 Reign of Shah Jahan.
1658-1707 Reign of Aurangzeb, last great Mughal ruler.
1707-1858 Lesser emperors; decline of the Mughal Empire.
1757 Battle of Plassey--British victory over Mughal forces in Bengal; British rule in India begins.
1835 Institution of British education and other reform measures.
1857-58 Revolt of Indian sepoys (soldiers) against East India Company.
1858 East India Company dissolved; rule of India under the British crown--the British Raj--begins with Government of India Act; formal end of Mughal Empire.
1885 Indian National Congress (Congress) formed.
1905 Partition of Bengal into separate provinces of Eastern Bengal and Assam, West Bengal.
1906 All-India Muslim League (Muslim League) founded.
1909 Morley-Minto Reforms; separate electorates for Muslims.
1912 Partition of Bengal annulled; new province of Bihar and Orissa formed; plans to move capital from Calcutta to Delhi announced.
1916 Congress-League Scheme of Reforms (often referred to as Lucknow Pact) signed.
1919 Montagu-Chelmsford Reforms; Government of India Act.
1935 Government of India Act of 1935.
1940 Muslim League adopts Lahore Resolution; "Two Nations" theory articulated by Muslim League leader Mohammad Ali Jinnah and others.
August 16, 1946 "Direct Action Day" of Muslim League.
August 15, 1947 Partition of British India; India achieves independence and incorporates West Bengal and Assam; Jawaharlal Nehru becomes prime minister of India. Pakistan is created and incorporates East Bengal (the East Wing, or East Pakistan) and territory in the northwest (the West Wing, or West Pakistan); Jinnah becomes governor general of Pakistan.
August 15, 1947-May 27, 1964 Jawaharlal Nehru serves as prime minister and leader of Congress-controlled government.
October 22, 1947-January 1, 1949 Undeclared war with Pakistan; ends with United Nations-arranged ceasefire.
January 30, 1948 Mahatma Gandhi assassinated in New Delhi.
October 20-November 21, 1962 Border war with China.
June 9, 1964-January 11, 1966 Lal Bhadur Shastri serves as prime minister of Congress-led government.
August 5-September 23, 1965 Second war with Pakistan.
January 24, 1966-March 24, 1977 Indira Gandhi serves as prime minister for first time, head of government initially led by Congress, later Congress (R).
December 3-16, 1971 Third war with Pakistan; Bangladesh becomes independent following Indian invasion of East Pakistan.
June 25, 1975-January 18, 1977 State of Emergency proclaimed by Indira Gandhi.
March 24, 1977-July 28, 1979 Morarji Desai serves as prime minister as head of a multiparty front, Janata Party, India's first non-Congress government.
July 28, 1979-January 14, 1980 Chaudhury Charan Singh serves as prime minister as head of a Janata-led coalition government.
January 14, 1980-October 31, 1984 Indira Ganhdi serves as prime minister for second time, head of Congress (I) government.
October 31, 1984 Indira Gandhi assassinated in New Delhi.
October 31, 1984-December 2, 1989 Rajiv Gandhi serves as prime minister of Congress (I)-led government.
December 2, 1989-November 7, 1990 Vishwanath Pratap Singh serves as prime minister of National Front-led coalition government.
November 10, 1990-June 20, 1991 Chandra Shekhar serves as prime minister, heading Samajwadi Janata Party government.
May 21, 1991 Rajiv Gandhi assassinated near Madras.
June 20, 1991-May 15, 1996 P.V. Narasimha Rao serves as prime minister of Congress (I)-led government.
December 6, 1992 Babri Masjid in Ayodhya, Uttar Pradesh, destroyed by Hindu activists.
January-March 1993 Communal violence in wake of Babri Masjid destruction wracks Indian cities, especially Bombay, which suffered from a series of bomb blasts in March.
May 1995 Unpopular Terrorist and Disruptive Activities (Prevention) Act of 1985 allowed to lapse
April 27-May 7, 1996 General elections for Lok Sabha oust Congress (I) government of P.V. Narasimha Rao.
May 15-28, 1996 Minority Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) government led by Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee resigns after thirteen days.
June 1, 1996 Haradanahalli (H.D.) Deve Gowda, head of thirteen-party United Front, sworn in as India's eleventh prime minister.
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வியாழன், 3 மார்ச், 2011
History of Ancient India
Though India is a modern nation, the thread of Indian civilization has more than a 5000, year-old historical legacy. In fact, Indian and Chinese civilizations are the only two ancient civilizations which have flowed continually to the present day, without any disruption of link, and are still living, thriving and progressing towards their glorious future. Here we will dwell into the history of ancient India.
History of India
The Enigmatic Valley
The first recorded history of the land mass in ancient India, dates back to the Indus Valley Civilization, which flourished in the north-western part of the Indian sub-continent. Many of the excavate spots of the Indus Valley Civilization like Mohenjodaro and Harappa are now in Pakistan. They are reminiscent of history of ancient India.
Some of the influences of Indus Valley Civilization are still found in Hindu religious motifs. Though their script remains undeciphered till today, their art and architecture manage to reveal the existence of a very evolved and complex culture in ancient India .
The town planning of Indus valley cities like Mohenjodaro, Harappa and Dholavira was quite immaculate, and those unknown town planners of yore could have given their twenty-first century counterparts a run for their money. Ruins at Lothal also reflect their trading prowess in ancient India. This highly evolved culture, passed on from the History of ancient India, was enigmatically eroded and eventually dwindled into oblivion. Historians have cited various reasons for the destruction of Indus Valley Civilization, which range from ecological changes to widespread epidemic, to an Aryan invasion. Aryans were a nomadic and pastoral tribe from Central Asia who came to India during the second millennium BC, and eventually settled here and made it their home. Indus Valley Civilization, is a connecting link to the history of ancient India.
Aryans and the Age of Vedas
They eventually rose much beyond their pastoral lineage, and created a great civilization. Though they imbibed the Indus Valley influences, but they also created their own ideas on philosophy, art, culture and science, etc. which they expressed through an ornate language called Sanskrit. After a few centuries of their settlement in India, the Aryans composed the Vedas and the epics, which are still the philosophical and cultural fulcrum of modern day India. The period during which the sacred Vedic texts were written is known in the Indian history as the Vedic period, which lasted from 1800-500 BC. Sanskrit was the language of the intelligentsia during the Vedic period, though common people of those times were largely unfamiliar with it.
Buddhism and Jainism
During this time the caste system also got firmly entrenched in the ancient Indian, and slowly it took oppressive forms, which led to grievances among the multitude of lower castes who were exploited by the caste system. Buddhism and Jainism, both of which emerged during the sixth century BC, addressed those grievances effectively and thereby gave an alternative religious platform to many people who were disillusioned with Brahmanical Hinduism. Both of the religious streams attacked the establishment and power structures prevalent in the history of ancient India, and attained considerable popularity in ancient India, which amply reflected ancient India's essentially pluralistic socio-cultural character, which is being open to new ideas, value systems and faiths.
The Age of Empires
The political map of ancient India was comprised of several states. In the history of ancient India, some were monarchies, some were republics, many of them were warring against each other. The concept of a single nation governed by a paramount power was simply not there. Some of the important empires of the ancient India were the Maurya Empire (322BC-185 BC), Gupta empire (320BC -600AD), etc. which through their imperialistic endeavors, managed to somehow extend a pan-Indian influence. In ancient India, Chandragupta Maurya (he ruled from 322BC -298 BC) and Ashoka the Great (273 BC-232 BC) were the most important rulers of the Mauryan dynasty, whereas Samudragupta (335-380AD) and Vikramaditya (375-415 AD) were important rulers of the Gupta dynasty. As we trace the history of ancient India Chandragupta Maurya became a follower of Jainism in his later days, Ashoka became an ardent Buddhist and spread Buddhism and non violence since his post-Kalinga invasion. However, the Gupta period saw the revival of Brahmannical Hinduism in the Indian society.
If the Mauryan Empire can be credited with initiating a process of political and economic cohesiveness in the ancient Indian society (one of the instruments was through a uniform currency across its annexed states, which dotted throughout India), the Gupta period(despite its imperialistic designs), is more renowned for its cultural growth in the realms of ancient India. The Gupta period is known as the 'Golden Age' of Indian history, as during this time, Indian society reached the heights of arts, literature and science, which was unprecedented in the history of ancient India. The famous poet Kalidasa, mathematical geniuses like Aryabhatta and Varahamihira, and a social revolutionary like Vatsyana(the author of Kama Sutra) were all products of Gupta Age, as is the rock cut temples of Ajanta and Ellora, which doesn't fail to create an aura of amazement and wonder even among its twenty-first century visitors
Following the Greek invasion during the Mauryan period, the ancient India, specially during the period between the Mauryan and Gupta dynasties, was also subjected to a number of invasions by warring tribes and warlords. They include Sakas, Huns and many others. However their invasions, though threatened or ransacked the sovereignty of many Indian states, also helped the Indian society at large to get exposed to outside influences and eventually assimilate them in its multi-layered cultural fabric. After the decline of the Gupta Empire, the powerful feudal governors in various provinces declared their independence, which paved the way for feudal era and the middle ages. A period of uncertainty and political turmoil gripped northern India. After the Gupta era, the only notable rule in the north India was that of Harshavardhana(604-647 AD), in the history of ancient India, who ruled from Kannauj. He was an able and just king and was a great patron of literature and Buddhism.
The Deccan Happenings
Meanwhile as we trace the history of ancient India, in Deccan, the Pallava, Chola and Pandyas dynasties ruled from the fourth century AD to the fifteenth century AD. Pallavas rose into prominence in the fourth century AD and their reign lasted till the ninth century AD, when they were overthrown by the Cholas. The Chola rule lasted till the thirteenth century. In the thirteenth century, the Pandyas became the dominant political force in the south India. Pandyas' rule came to an end in the fifteenth century AD.
However, it would be wrong to say that the Pandyas and Cholas emerged as political powers in the ninth and the thirteenth century respectively. Pandayas and Chola Kingdoms ruled in the second century BC in ancient India. too, but they regained political prominence again in the ninth century and the thirteenth century respectively. In the first innings (BC days), Cholas ruled over today's Thanjavur and Tiruchirapally, whereas Pandyas ruled over the present day Tirunelvelli and Madurai.
The Chola, Pandyas and the Pallava kings were patrons of art and literature, and Cholas excelled in trade and commerce. The Nayanar and Alvar saint poets belonged to the Pallava period as are the shore temples at Mahabalipuram. Chola reign was known for its exquisitely crafted bronzes, a prominent example of which is the 'Dancing Nataraja.' .
Overall, the south India of ancient times was largely unaffected by the political upheavals taking place in the north.
India Overview
Geography of India History of Ancient India
History of Medieval India History of Modern India
Indian Culture Indian Economy
Indian Education Indian Literature
Indian Polity Tourism in India
Communications People of India
Administration Public Holidays
Beaches Resorts in India Beach Garden Festive Tours in India
Cities of India Heritage Tours in India
Hotels in India India Tours
Museums in India Religious Temple Tours in India
Shopping in India States of India
Tourist Attractions in India Wild Tours in India
Places to see in India
Places to see in Bangalore Places to see in Jaipur
Places to see in Delhi Places to see in Kolkata
Places to see in Mumbai Places to see in Goa
Places to see in Gujarat Places to see in Rajasthan
Places to see in Bodh Gaya Places to see in Daman
Places to see in Diu Places to see in Dwarka
Places to see in Sindhudurg Places to see in Sikkim
Though India is a modern nation, the thread of Indian civilization has more than a 5000, year-old historical legacy. In fact, Indian and Chinese civilizations are the only two ancient civilizations which have flowed continually to the present day, without any disruption of link, and are still living, thriving and progressing towards their glorious future. Here we will dwell into the history of ancient India.
History of India
The Enigmatic Valley
The first recorded history of the land mass in ancient India, dates back to the Indus Valley Civilization, which flourished in the north-western part of the Indian sub-continent. Many of the excavate spots of the Indus Valley Civilization like Mohenjodaro and Harappa are now in Pakistan. They are reminiscent of history of ancient India.
Some of the influences of Indus Valley Civilization are still found in Hindu religious motifs. Though their script remains undeciphered till today, their art and architecture manage to reveal the existence of a very evolved and complex culture in ancient India .
The town planning of Indus valley cities like Mohenjodaro, Harappa and Dholavira was quite immaculate, and those unknown town planners of yore could have given their twenty-first century counterparts a run for their money. Ruins at Lothal also reflect their trading prowess in ancient India. This highly evolved culture, passed on from the History of ancient India, was enigmatically eroded and eventually dwindled into oblivion. Historians have cited various reasons for the destruction of Indus Valley Civilization, which range from ecological changes to widespread epidemic, to an Aryan invasion. Aryans were a nomadic and pastoral tribe from Central Asia who came to India during the second millennium BC, and eventually settled here and made it their home. Indus Valley Civilization, is a connecting link to the history of ancient India.
Aryans and the Age of Vedas
They eventually rose much beyond their pastoral lineage, and created a great civilization. Though they imbibed the Indus Valley influences, but they also created their own ideas on philosophy, art, culture and science, etc. which they expressed through an ornate language called Sanskrit. After a few centuries of their settlement in India, the Aryans composed the Vedas and the epics, which are still the philosophical and cultural fulcrum of modern day India. The period during which the sacred Vedic texts were written is known in the Indian history as the Vedic period, which lasted from 1800-500 BC. Sanskrit was the language of the intelligentsia during the Vedic period, though common people of those times were largely unfamiliar with it.
Buddhism and Jainism
During this time the caste system also got firmly entrenched in the ancient Indian, and slowly it took oppressive forms, which led to grievances among the multitude of lower castes who were exploited by the caste system. Buddhism and Jainism, both of which emerged during the sixth century BC, addressed those grievances effectively and thereby gave an alternative religious platform to many people who were disillusioned with Brahmanical Hinduism. Both of the religious streams attacked the establishment and power structures prevalent in the history of ancient India, and attained considerable popularity in ancient India, which amply reflected ancient India's essentially pluralistic socio-cultural character, which is being open to new ideas, value systems and faiths.
The Age of Empires
The political map of ancient India was comprised of several states. In the history of ancient India, some were monarchies, some were republics, many of them were warring against each other. The concept of a single nation governed by a paramount power was simply not there. Some of the important empires of the ancient India were the Maurya Empire (322BC-185 BC), Gupta empire (320BC -600AD), etc. which through their imperialistic endeavors, managed to somehow extend a pan-Indian influence. In ancient India, Chandragupta Maurya (he ruled from 322BC -298 BC) and Ashoka the Great (273 BC-232 BC) were the most important rulers of the Mauryan dynasty, whereas Samudragupta (335-380AD) and Vikramaditya (375-415 AD) were important rulers of the Gupta dynasty. As we trace the history of ancient India Chandragupta Maurya became a follower of Jainism in his later days, Ashoka became an ardent Buddhist and spread Buddhism and non violence since his post-Kalinga invasion. However, the Gupta period saw the revival of Brahmannical Hinduism in the Indian society.
If the Mauryan Empire can be credited with initiating a process of political and economic cohesiveness in the ancient Indian society (one of the instruments was through a uniform currency across its annexed states, which dotted throughout India), the Gupta period(despite its imperialistic designs), is more renowned for its cultural growth in the realms of ancient India. The Gupta period is known as the 'Golden Age' of Indian history, as during this time, Indian society reached the heights of arts, literature and science, which was unprecedented in the history of ancient India. The famous poet Kalidasa, mathematical geniuses like Aryabhatta and Varahamihira, and a social revolutionary like Vatsyana(the author of Kama Sutra) were all products of Gupta Age, as is the rock cut temples of Ajanta and Ellora, which doesn't fail to create an aura of amazement and wonder even among its twenty-first century visitors
Following the Greek invasion during the Mauryan period, the ancient India, specially during the period between the Mauryan and Gupta dynasties, was also subjected to a number of invasions by warring tribes and warlords. They include Sakas, Huns and many others. However their invasions, though threatened or ransacked the sovereignty of many Indian states, also helped the Indian society at large to get exposed to outside influences and eventually assimilate them in its multi-layered cultural fabric. After the decline of the Gupta Empire, the powerful feudal governors in various provinces declared their independence, which paved the way for feudal era and the middle ages. A period of uncertainty and political turmoil gripped northern India. After the Gupta era, the only notable rule in the north India was that of Harshavardhana(604-647 AD), in the history of ancient India, who ruled from Kannauj. He was an able and just king and was a great patron of literature and Buddhism.
The Deccan Happenings
Meanwhile as we trace the history of ancient India, in Deccan, the Pallava, Chola and Pandyas dynasties ruled from the fourth century AD to the fifteenth century AD. Pallavas rose into prominence in the fourth century AD and their reign lasted till the ninth century AD, when they were overthrown by the Cholas. The Chola rule lasted till the thirteenth century. In the thirteenth century, the Pandyas became the dominant political force in the south India. Pandyas' rule came to an end in the fifteenth century AD.
However, it would be wrong to say that the Pandyas and Cholas emerged as political powers in the ninth and the thirteenth century respectively. Pandayas and Chola Kingdoms ruled in the second century BC in ancient India. too, but they regained political prominence again in the ninth century and the thirteenth century respectively. In the first innings (BC days), Cholas ruled over today's Thanjavur and Tiruchirapally, whereas Pandyas ruled over the present day Tirunelvelli and Madurai.
The Chola, Pandyas and the Pallava kings were patrons of art and literature, and Cholas excelled in trade and commerce. The Nayanar and Alvar saint poets belonged to the Pallava period as are the shore temples at Mahabalipuram. Chola reign was known for its exquisitely crafted bronzes, a prominent example of which is the 'Dancing Nataraja.' .
Overall, the south India of ancient times was largely unaffected by the political upheavals taking place in the north.
India Overview
Geography of India History of Ancient India
History of Medieval India History of Modern India
Indian Culture Indian Economy
Indian Education Indian Literature
Indian Polity Tourism in India
Communications People of India
Administration Public Holidays
Beaches Resorts in India Beach Garden Festive Tours in India
Cities of India Heritage Tours in India
Hotels in India India Tours
Museums in India Religious Temple Tours in India
Shopping in India States of India
Tourist Attractions in India Wild Tours in India
Places to see in India
Places to see in Bangalore Places to see in Jaipur
Places to see in Delhi Places to see in Kolkata
Places to see in Mumbai Places to see in Goa
Places to see in Gujarat Places to see in Rajasthan
Places to see in Bodh Gaya Places to see in Daman
Places to see in Diu Places to see in Dwarka
Places to see in Sindhudurg Places to see in Sikkim
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